The U.S. Air Force Critical Care & Emergency Trauma Nursing Fellowship at Scottsdale Healthcare was dedicated Oct. 31 during a ribbon cutting ceremony featuring Maj. Gen. Dorothy A. Hogg, Assistant Air Force Surgeon General for Medical Force Development and Chief of the USAF Nurse Corps.
Based in the Military Training Center at Scottsdale Healthcare Osborn Medical Center, the Fellowship is the only one of its kind in a civilian hospital, and one of only two in the United States. A similar program is offered at the San Antonio Military Medical Center in Texas.
“The need to prepare nurses who are ready for all contingencies never ends. As a matter of fact, it becomes more critical as well as more challenging. Programs like these here at Scottsdale Healthcare help us maintain clinical proficiencies not available within our own military treatment facilities,” said Maj. Gen. Hogg.
The 12-month-long U.S. Air Force Critical Care & Emergency Trauma Nursing Fellowship at Scottsdale Healthcare includes five weeks of in-depth classroom education followed by hands-on learning with preceptors in the specialty care units and Level I Trauma Center at Scottsdale Healthcare Osborn Medical Center.
The Fellowship is designed for five to seven participants, rotating in winter, spring and summer each year. Air Force Nursing Fellows also complete rotations to gain experience in areas such as burn ICU, pediatric ICU and prehospital care at affiliated sites.
Lt. Col. (select) Susie Everly of Luke Air Force Base, whose experience ranges from multiple deployments as an aeromedical evacuation nurse to serving as the Senior White House Nurse, is director of the new Fellowship.
The initial Fellowship class consists of three Air Force Nurses, Capt. Patrick Nugent of Sparta, Wis.,
Capt. Weston Winn of Knoxville, Tenn. and 1st Lt. Katrina Chu of New York, New York. The next Fellowship class is expected to begin in approximately three months.
“By the end of the fellowship, these nurses will emerge as experienced critical care and emergency trauma nurses with the education, clinical skills and confidence to care for the highest acuity patients,” said Jerry Zabokrtsky, director of Corporate & Community Preparedness for Scottsdale Healthcare.
The program also included special recognition for Arizona Rep. Heather Carter (R-Cave Creek) for her support of the Scottsdale Healthcare Military Partnership and sponsorship of HB 2064 facilitating training in Arizona for military medical professionals. Gov. Jan. Brewer signed HB 2064 in law in April, allowing military medical professionals to cut through licensing red tape to get needed real world training at Scottsdale Healthcare.
Also attending the dedication were Luke AFB Brigadier General Michael Rothstein, Commander, 56th Fighter Wing and Col. Yolanda Bledsoe, Commander, 56th Medical Group.
Scottsdale Healthcare’s Military Partnership provides military medical personnel with training, education and the clinical experience needed to perform successfully in combat and humanitarian missions while building relationships that can be used in potential disaster response situations. More than 1,900 service members have been trained.