Caring for a person with Alzheimer’s is an around-the-clock job that frequently demands all of the time and energy of the Alzheimer’s caregiver.
A national study released last month by AARP showed that caregivers feel more lonely and isolated than others without those responsibilities. The study also found that caregivers are more likely to forego medical procedures because they don’t feel they can take the time for themselves.
A free seminar in Sun City on Jan. 11 will provide strategies for caregivers of people with Alzheimer’s disease or related dementia to learn how to add balance to their daily lives. Experts from Banner Sun Health Research Institute will discuss techniques and tips to help reduce stress for family and friends who are caregivers. Respite care will be provided at no charge so caregivers can attend the seminar.
For Lisa Ingraham of Goodyear, one of the most challenging aspects of dealing with her husband’s Alzheimer’s diagnosis is that she feels anchored to her house.
“The biggest change is I can’t leave overnight at all anymore. I used to a lot, but no more weekend getaways where he is home alone – it isn’t safe for him,’’ she said.
Lisa’s husband has no short-term memory at all nor can he make decisions anymore.
“Anything from what’s for dinner or activities he wants to do. I have to make all the decisions for both of us, large and small,’’ Lisa said. “It’s been a total role reversal. He took care of me and made the decisions our entire marriage. Now, it feels like I’m a single parent with an adult child.’’
The Exhale and Stay Me seminar will be held from 8 a.m. to noon on Friday Jan. 11 at Grace Bible Church, 19280 N. 99th Ave., Sun City. For reservations, go to