Your credit score is your financial identity and the basis of your credit worthiness. And if you have a low credit score it not only costs you financial hardships but makes every purchase expensive for you.

With a low credit score you can’t secure high loans, low interest rates and no premium insurance rates are available for you. In result, you are left with an empty pocket so turn the tables and get a high credit limit without wasting more time.

How can you get a high credit score?

There are many banks which offer such credit cards that help you to get a high credit score with good terms and conditions. You can save your money by following simple rules and can also hit a high credit line within a little time period of 6-7 months.

Let’s dig in more and suggest some great credit cards that help you to get a high credit score.

Capital One Credit Cards:

Capital one bank offers great credit cards for all kinds of people i.e if you love travelling, want budget friendly card with low APR, love dinning or want great cash back during groceries Capital one serves all. Also, its credit cards are best for those having imperfect credit history and searching for the favourable pathway to achieve a high credit score.

Capital One QuickSilverOne Credit Card:

The Capital One QuickSilver Cash Rewards credit Card is the most budget friendly card you can ever search for; it also offers cashback on all purchases. It comes up with an annual fee of $39.

If you have a low credit limit and want to enjoy all the incentives that a person with an excellent credit limit can have then you need to have it. Regardless of your poor credit score you can easily get approved at .


  • Automatically considered for high credit score in little time of 6 months
  • No transaction fee
  • Get unlimited 1.5 percent cash back on all purchases
  • You can qualify for high credit line with average/fair credit score

Additional Benefits

Redeeming Rewards:

With Capital One QuickSilverone Credit Card you can enjoy unexpired rewards. Also, you can redeem your rewards any time with no minimum cash limit. Capital one offers three options to get your reward; through a paper check, as a credit statement or a gift card.

Get Extended Warranties And Insurances:

The Capital one Quicksilverone credit card offers multiple insurances i.e travel accident insurance, rental car insurance and 24 hour travel insurance. It assures you extended warranties and emergency card replacement as well.

If you are with bad credit history and get a budget friendly card with unlimited cash back and additional rewards then Capital one Quicksilverone credit is a decent option to consider.

Merrick Credit Cards:

Merrick bank credit cards are specifically designed for bad credit scores and for the people with no credit history. By using merrick credit cards you can have a high credit score within the short time period of 6-7 months. You can choose any of the Merrick cards to secure your credit or double your credit line by following the simple rules.

Merrick Double Your Line Secured Visa Credit Card:

If you have a less than stellar credit score and want to get on the right path then Merrick double your line credit card is a good option. It helps you to double your credit score within a little time period. Also, if you deposit $200 for a credit line it doubles after sometime and becomes $400 without another deposit.


  • Reports all the three financial institutes
  • Fraud Coverage
  • Automatically considered for high credit score
  • 24/7 customer support

Additional Benefits

Enjoy pre-qualified offer

To look at the Merrick double your line credit card’s favourable terms and conditions you can quickly pre-qualify yourself at And can weigh yourself if you are able to double your credit score with the following terms and conditions.

If you are good at paying monthly payments and can religiously follow the required criteria then choose Merrick Double YourLine Secured Visa Credit Card. As it rewards you a high credit score as a result of good behavior.

The Bottom Line

Low credit score wastes both your time and money and you end up with empty hands. So, take the right path and check out the recommended credit cards to boost your credit score. A high credit line not only gives you unlimited benefits but saves you a lot of money. If you want to discover more options and are curious to know more about credit scores and credit cards just hit on   Georgia bank and trust — Best Banking in the United States and quench your financial thirst.