PUBG Mobile has probably the most unique in-app purchasing interface in the industry. Juego Studios notes that this game had a lifetime revenue of $8 billion in 2022 and $10 billion the following year. The per-day revenue stands at $8.1 million.

Where do you think all of that comes from? Almost every PUBG Mobile player has spent money on the game. They’ve either bought a royal pass, outfits, or gun skins.

Do you want your mobile video game to compel the users to do the same? This year, the global mobile games market reached nearly USD 98.74 billion. That’s why you’ll have to streamline in-app purchasing features to stay ahead of the competition.

In this blog post, we’ll list a few ways you can do that and generate revenue from your mobile game.

#1. Choose Subscription Models

The BBC reports that the gaming industry is slowly aiming to find subscribers. Many say it’s only a matter of time before subscription-based models take over this entertainment format. Hence, the gaming subscription market might reach USD 17.46 by 2029.

In-app purchasing on mobile games based on a subscription model allows continuous access to premium features at a set fee. For instance, you can charge your customers yearly or monthly for these benefits.

Collaborating with a subscription model provider can help. According to PayPro Global, some tools offer a multi-platform phenomenon that optimizes user experiences and keeps them hooked on uninterrupted in-app purchasing.

With such tools, you can gain access to local payments, currencies, and languages, making the purchasing journey easier. Similarly, subscription software offers inventory management and hassle-free shopping cart solutions. It can also take care of the following:

  • Chargeback litigation
  • VAT payments
  • Reporting and collecting user data
  • Remitting tax

#2. Think About Security

Most free-to-play games offer secure and robust in-app purchasing features. However, the industry still faces a huge problem due to fraudulent activities. Cheaters modify the game to unlock premium content, use fake payment gateways by offering discounts, etc.

Statistics suggest that consumers witnessed multiple in-app frauds in 2022, leading to a loss of USD 5.4 billion. However, games did see six times fewer cases. Even then, you must protect your consumers from such exposures when they’re purchasing something in the game.

To protect this valuable income source, you must follow these tips:

  • Perform server-side purchase verifications.
  • Move sensitive data to the backend.
  • Monitor any suspicious transactions.
  • Take help from anti-tamper solutions.

#3. Offer Bundle Deals

You can provide cheap add-ons or discounted bundle deals to let users buy more consumables without spending too much. For instance, you can offer affordable bundles and extra moves when the players fail to clear a level or run out of chances.

Doing so will prevent frustration among users and enhance your in-app purchasing capabilities. It’s like small stepping stones to gather revenue.

In the game Diablo Immortal, players get presented with on-time bundles containing valuable materials after completing difficult levels. Similarly, Pet Rescue Saga offers one-time bundles of gold and boosters once the player runs out of lives. Clash of Clans charges USD 4.99 to offer users a huge pile of gems.

#4. Display Pricing Clearly

One thing the mobile game industry has always faced is its inability to offer a consistent pricing model for in-app purchases. These can be because of the varying regional guidelines and platform regulations. Complex pricing structures can also stem from your need to balance user trust with profitability.

To streamline in-app purchasing, you must ensure transparency. For that, you need to comply with these tips:

  • Set the right prices based on localization.
  • Integrate pricing models into the gameplay.
  • Introduce purchase possibilities at the right time.
  • Provide personalized offers.
  • Avoid imposing hidden fees.

The user can carefully navigate the clearly displayed pricing models and make purchasing decisions. It’ll reduce user confusion and build trust. For example, you can use readable text and concise information to describe the purchase.

#5. Focus on Easy Refund Policies

On average, sixty-six percent of consumers go through the refund or return policy before buying. The same applies to the mobile gaming industry. Statista reports that this is especially important when a child is addicted to spending their parent’s credit card on the game.

You can allow full or partial refunds for in-app purchases to streamline the process based on your audience’s requirements. Remember to be clear about the refund procedures. Try to display it within the game app to reduce communication barriers.

Using automated systems or one-click refund policies can simplify the process and prove your commitment to the user experience.

In the end, video games specific to mobile devices require a robust in-app purchasing interface. Otherwise, you cannot secure revenue from this.

You’ll have to choose a subscription model and offer bundle deals. Understanding security and displaying pricing clearly can help. You can also offer easy refund policies based on your audience’s requirements.