There are many advantages of storing a file in PDF format, including versatility, portability, document integrity and security, compatibility with devices, operating systems, browsers, etc. However, editing documents stored as PDFs is a different story altogether.

Suppose a situation requires you to edit your PDF document to add page numbers, sign, split pages, add text and images, extract pages, convert pdf to ms excel, etc.; the only way to carry out these tasks is to convert PDF files to an editable format.

This study will take a step-by-step approach to how to convert PDF files to other formats fast, with the help of a powerful and user-friendly online tool.

What is the Need to Convert a PDF?

As popular and valuable as PDFs are, they are basically created to preserve documents. Therefore, one of their core features is their inability to be edited PDFs. So, although it is used for a lot of documentation, its static nature presents a little challenge on a broader scope.

So, they are created, it becomes difficult to alter the content of a PDF file or make any changes to a PDF file without going through some rigorous manual process. However, thanks to a fast and efficient online PDF tool, you can make any changes to your PDF files, including converting them to other formats.

So, the main benefit of converting PDFs is to be able to edit the text directly within the file by transforming them into an editable format like Word, Excel, etc. hence, converting PDFs is inevitable.

Most Common Formats to Convert a PDF

We recommend you to use an online free tool to convert your PDF files:

PDF to Excel

You can convert PDF to Excel online without downloading any software and at an impeccable speed.

Here are the steps to take to convert PDF to Excel online

1. Go to the PDF to Excel Converter.

2. Step 1. Tap the Select PDF file button from the PDF to Word listing on the conversion platform to upload the file you wish to convert to Excel. You can also drag the files into the space marked “Or drag and drop the PDF here.”

3. From your file explorer, choose the PDF file you want to convert to Excel and upload it to the conversion tool.

4. It may take some time to upload completely if your PDF size is large completely,  but once uploaded, click the Convert to Excel tab to convert PDF to Excel, then Click on Download file to save the converted file.

Once you have successfully converted your PDF file to Excel, you should be able to edit it and make any required changes to your file.

PDF to Word

Of all the ways to edit and make changes to a PDF document, converting PDF to Word is easily the most convenient. In addition, you can quickly run this conversion online with no additional software program required.

Here’s how you can quickly convert PDF to Word online

1. First, go to the platform and scroll to “Convert PDF.” From the dropdown menu, choose PDF to Word, then click on the Select PDF files button to choose the file you want to convert, which must be a PDF file. You can also drag the files into the space marked “Or drag and drop the PDF here.”

2. Once you upload your file to the platform, click on the “Convert” button to carry out the conversion.

3. Lastly, click the Download button and save your new Word document.

This process of converting PDF to Word is done entirely on the cloud, and no app is needed. Once your file is converted and saved to your device, you can proceed to edit and make any edits you want to your Word file.


The Convert PDF to JPG lets you transform a PDF file into JPG format, which is ideal for presenting a file as an image. For example, it comes in handy when you want to send invitations, business cards, or fliers in image form.

Here are the steps to take to convert PDF to JPG fast online after logging on to the conversion tool

1. Scroll the Convert PDF tab on the tool menu and select PDF to JPG, then click the Select PDF file button to upload PDF you want to convert to JPG. You can also drag the PDF file to the space marked “Or drag and drop the PDF here.”

2. When you select the PDF file you wish to transform to JPG; it will appear on your interface, then hit the Convert to JPG button to start the conversion process.

3. The conversion will finish in a little while, and you should be able to download your JPG file by clicking the Download button.

Converting PDF to JPG is another way of transforming a document with all its contents, including inserted images, text, styles, etc., into an image file.

PDF to PowerPoint

As we previously stated, one of the setbacks experienced by PDFs is that they are difficult to edit. Because of this reason, if you need to edit your PFD file and make a presentation with it, your best bet is to convert PDF to PowerPoint.

So, here are the quick steps you can take to convert PDF to PowerPoint fast online:

1. First, log on to the conversion tool, scroll to the Convert PDF tap, then select PDF to PowerPoint. From there, click on the Select PDF files button

2. Next, select the PDF file you want to convert to a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation file from your file library and click “Convert” to start the conversion process

3. The conversion will be completed in a short while; then, you will have your PowerPoint file ready for download.

How to Convert a PDF to Another File Type

You can also convert PDF to ODT, EPUB, and HTML file format online using the same steps above.

1. First, go to the converter tool, navigate to Convert PDF on the menu tab, select PDF to ODT, PDF to EPUB, or PDF to HTML, then click on the Select file button then, choose the PDF file you wish to transform to any of these formats

2. Click the Convert PDF button, and the conversion process will begin and complete in a few seconds

3. Then click the Download File tab to save your ODT, EPUB, or HTML file to your device.


It is common for PDF users to edit data every so often when handling PDF files. In this study, we have carefully described the steps to take when converting PDFs to Word, Excel, JPG, and PowerPoint for easy editing.