By now, you are well aware of the significance of email marketing in your business. However, what if there was another way to boost your email marketing endeavors to increase sales and open rates, drive conversions, and more importantly, reduce bounce rates without incurring additional costs?
Email marketing might be good for your business, but video within email marketing is even more prevalent. In fact, according to a study by Campaign Monitor, video in email marketing has been found to increase open rates by 19 percent, CTRs by 65 percent, and reduce unsubscribe rates by twenty-six percent.
It’s therefore unsurprising that marketers are experiencing a higher engagement rate in emails when using videos. Besides, using videos is an excellent way to capture attention.
If you want to maximize your return on investment, all you need to do is to add videos to your emails. The following are some ideas for using video to boost your email marketing results.
Have your sales team use videos
Videos are an excellent form of media that is commonly used in infographics, content marketing, blogs, and others. That said, your sales team can actually benefit from using videos in email. A sales team that adds videos to their emails gets a higher open rate and increased engagement.
Announce product launches using a demo video
Email marketing provides you with a good chance to spark some interest in your new product listing. Therefore, when you embed a video in your emails, your recipients will be thrilled about what’s pending and they will also gain an understanding of what you are offering.
Short demo videos can simplify everything for you, from how you highlight your new products to telling your viewers to subscribe to how your products will be helpful to them. Additionally, adding videos when announcing a product launch through emails can help boost your conversion response as audiences are more likely to buy from you after watching a captivating explainer video.
Send testimonials to your leads
According to research, a large number of customers trust online reviews just like personal references. So, why don’t you get your satisfied customers to do the promoting for you? It will be good for your brand as your customers will get the chance to see someone like them benefiting from your products or services.
It also authenticates their purchases and who knows, it might be the green light they were waiting for. Therefore, create a video displaying your customer’s testimonials and other positive reactions to your brand or products to attract more customers.
Add videos to newsletters
You are really missing out on a great opportunity to increase sales if you are sending out newsletters to your customers without videos. There are many ways to add videos to newsletters to increase your marketing effort’s results. And because most people love watching videos, you can add videos to your newsletters to allow them to catch up on things they have missed. Also, don’t worry if your company doesn’t have many videos; you can try filming a collection of daily or weekly content in form of videos.
Promote your event using video emails
Do you have an upcoming event? The good news is that you can increase the number of people attending using video email. You can send videos of your previous events to your subscribers. Additionally, videos in email are an excellent way to direct emphasis to your event. You will use it to share information about the event, educate them about it, and motivate them to attend.
Wrapping Up
Videos in emails aren’t new; however, the incredible stats about video marketing have increased its use in emails. Video in email marketing is a good way to engage with your customers and be unique. Therefore, ensure you know how to embed a video in email to drive more traffic to your site.