For those startup founders, CEOs, and business executives who aren’t keenly interested in technology and software, the idea of migrating your systems over to a new software provider can seem like a drag. Just imagine it: all the files, all the accounts, all the data and spreadsheets – it feels like a colossal undertaking and one you’d rather not oversee. But, at the same time, there are huge benefits for certain businesses to perform this migration, and so this article looks at whether your firm should consider this move.
All decisions to change software provider are a case of juggling price and value against the efficiency that the platform affords. For instance, if you save $10,000 by shifting to a new software provider, but lose $15,000 in productivity, it’s clear that your net saving means that you shouldn’t migrate your systems. On the other hand, those software solutions that offer you a guaranteed productivity boost should always be seen as tempting to businesses – they promise huge overall and incremental savings when it comes to labor and hours spent performing work in your firm.
Businesses with a savvy IT department are sure to use some of the best business software out there in the present moment – many of these programs are designed by independent businesses with no affiliation to the biggest software provider. The problem is that, over time, the most successful of these firms simply become subsumed by the megaliths of the software world – like Microsoft and, increasingly, Google. As such, centralizing your systems with one of these major players can be seen as more productive: the best software innovation will be fed through, and you no longer have to focus on building accounts on dozens of disparate programs.
Migration Hassle
Nonetheless, is it worth migrating from a host of different systems and servers onto one centralized one? Is it too much hassle and too disruptive for your firm to handle in these tough times? Well, if the last few months have anything to say about software and file migration, it’s that it’s blissful easy. Thousands of businesses have migrated to Microsoft since the coronavirus forced people to work from home. Thanks to the automated migration systems designed by, much of this process requires no human oversight, which is hugely helpful for firms concerned about disruption.
Data Loss and Storage
The other major anxiety about migrating your files from one system to another is that you might corrupt your files, some might be lost in the transition, or your security might be compromised as you perform the move. These concerns are all valid – but you’re able to guard against them by performing some simple security checks and backup maneuvers before you make the transition. Make sure your files are backed up – twice, just to be sure – so that you don’t stress about losing any files in your migration to a new platform for your business’s work.
It’s certainly worth migrating your systems if you see productivity and savings at the end of your journey. The advice above will help you feel secure in the knowledge that it’s possible, with minimal hassle, for your firm in 2020.