To help aid in the surging job market and provide like-minded employers and employees with a direct link to each other, AZ Big Media has launched a free job board.

“We wanted to provide the best businesses in Arizona with access to the most elite, business-minded employees in Arizona,” said Mike Atkinson, president and CEO of AZ Big Media. “We know we have elite readers who are always looking for career improvement. We also have a long-standing working relationship with the best hiring companies in Arizona. It only made sense to share these connections.”

AZ Big Media’s job board will have a very sophisticated readership and established user profiles. The average reader for AZ Big Media’s publications — with include Az Business, AZRE, Ranking Arizona, People & Projects to Know and Az Business Leaders — is age of 44, has an annual salary of $225,000, and an average net worth of $2.4 million. The latest statistics show that 88 percent of the total magazine readership is a C-level executive or owns his/her own business.

Another thing Az Big Media followers have in common is their passion for business. People who access it are doing so to read about the whats-happening and who’s-who’s of the Arizona business, real-estate, Scottsdale-local and tourism communities.

The site is currently accessible by both a link on the main website or at

Companies and recruiting agencies are invited to post their newest job openings for free and know that the best-of-the-best in the business world are applying for the positions.

“Our official launch date for the site is February 4, but we encourage companies to register and post jobs prior to this date by visiting the site,” said Ashley Incardone, digital coordinator for AZ Big Media. “We want anyone looking for a dynamic addition to their team or for a step up in their career to know that this is a board they can trust will connect them to the best in Arizona business.”