What is one best practice when developing a landing page for a B2B website?
To help you create a landing page for a B2B website, we asked marketing professionals and business leaders this question for their insights. From using industry keywords to adding clear and prominent CTAs (calls to action), there are several ways to boost your web pages to succeed in the B2B space.
Here are 14 best practices for optimizing your B2B landing page:
• Make a Powerful First Impression
• Engage Users With Videos
• Target Users Searching for Competitors
• Use Industry Keywords
• Keep Forms Simple and Straightforward
• Have One Purpose
• Build Trust With Customer Reviews
• Make CTAs Prominent
• Be Sure to Include Trust Symbols
• Keep Your CTAs Above the Fold
• Remove the Navigation
• Get It Properly Proofread
• Highlight Your Value Proposition
• Provide a Clear CTA
Make a Powerful First Impression
Visitors should be able to see what your company is all about when they come to your website. When we redesigned our home page, we wanted to communicate what our company does in an impactful way.
As a platform that helps employers connect with job seekers in the community, we landed on a strong statement to keep site visitors engaged and ready to click the CTA button that applies to them. Consider how your company can communicate your mission in a way that wows visitors that will encourage them to want to learn more about you.
Thorin Yee, Best Companies AZ
Engage Users With Videos
Including videos on our landing page increases the time users stay on our website as well as the chances of converting them into clients. For example, our homepage features a free episode of security awareness training content that we actually offer our clients, so they can see what we mean when we say, “employee training shouldn’t be boring.”
Videos such as this are valuable as they offer potential customers a preview of your services. So take advantage of the opportunity to share your business’ offerings in a medium that users find engaging.
Nick Santora, Curricula
Target Users Searching for Competitors
Business executives compare multiple products before purchasing. Use this knowledge to your advantage by creating separate landing pages that target your competitors. For instance, add a heading such as “In Search of a [insert competitor] Alternative?” then use the page to showcase how and why your brand is superior. This way, when users search for your competitor, your landing page has a chance of showing up.
Claire Routh, Markitors
Use Industry Keywords
People usually spend just a few seconds evaluating if the content of a website interests them. At that moment, they typically look for words they associate with the solution they are looking for. Using their language and variating the category names of products and services can keep their attention for longer. That results in better conversion rates.
Michael Sena, SENACEA
Keep Forms Simple and Straightforward
When asking for information from users, it is best to keep it simple. For B2B websites, you are probably not looking for personal information but, more likely, company information. Of course, there are times when you want to get more business details about your potential customers, but overall, it’s best to stick with simplicity for landing pages — specifically for B2B websites.
Raaquib Pathan, Salesmate
Have One Purpose
Having too many different calls to action on one landing page will dilute its efficacy. Your landing pages should have one clearly defined purpose. Knowing what exactly you want the user to do on the page will help you focus your message and design. What’s in it for them to download the PDF or sign up for a consultation?
Tanya Gagnon, Miss Details
Build Trust With Customer Reviews
Showcasing customer reviews on landing pages builds trust with potential clients. We first send satisfied customers to our G2 reviews page, an industry standard for software companies to collect reviews so that prospects can compare and contrast products and services. The reviews are credible and honest, and interested customers will come across these reviews when searching Google.
We also include their reviews on landing pages because clients will always provide the most meaningful marketing material. After all, it’s their organic and honest review of your product. Furthermore, recent studies show that consumer reviews are trusted nearly 12 times more than product descriptions and produce an average 18% uptick in sales.
Shaunak Amin, SnackMagic
Make CTAs Prominent
Make sure the CTA button stands out, not just in terms of what it says but how it appears visually. For instance, if the text of the CTA button is the same size as the other text on the landing page, people will be less likely to notice it or take an interest. This text should be large or bold. Furthermore, you can make the CTA button a different color than anything else on the landing page so that viewers can’t miss it.
Kristen Dole, Nowadays
Be Sure to Include Trust Symbols
Trust symbols help visitors feel comfortable and confident right away. Everyone is leery of spam or their information being sold, so almost anything a website does to ease that concern will improve results.
Add reviews from customers or awards you’ve won that add credibility. Trust symbols should be visible right away. Adding content that builds trust will help optimize any B2B landing page.
Logan Mallory, Motivosity
Keep Your CTAs Above the Fold
“Above the fold” is the term used for the area that you see when visiting a web page without scrolling up or down. Keeping your important CTAs in this area helps you close more deals.
It is crucial because you do not necessarily need to write lengthy paragraphs to convince a visitor to buy your product or services. Also, placing your call to action at the top of the web page ensures your customer notices your offer before leaving the website.
Richard Lubicky, RealPeopleSearch
Remove the Navigation
The primary goal of any landing page should be converting the user. You should try to remove any potential distractions, including the main navigation. Instead, opt for a single text link similar to “Return to xxxxxx.” This is a great way to show the user what to do next.
Sylvia Kang, Mira
Get It Properly Proofread
A B2B landing page is your way to make a good first impression, and you don’t want to mess it up with careless typos or poorly-worded copy.
Even the smallest mistake will make your company look less professional and deter potential clients or customers.
Don’t take any chances on this. Get a professional proofreader to run their eyes over everything before it is published.
Amanda Napitu, Improving Your English
Highlight Your Value Proposition
One of the most important things to have on your B2B landing page is your value proposition. Why should customers choose you? What makes your product different from your competitors? You should be able to answer these questions in 1-2 sentences and should highlight this phrase on your company landing page.
John Wu, Gryphon Connect
Provide a Clear CTA
B2B language can be technical and convoluted. Landing pages for B2B websites often fail in quickly and clearly conveying what the service or product is. The page should identify a business pain point and how that company can provide a solution.
Jimmy Page, Inseev Interactive
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