November is the start of many things in Arizona ― cooler temperatures, the holidays and a significant number of charitable events. Unfortunately, amidst these festivities, homeowners and business owners face potential premises liability issues when hosting events at their homes or place of business.
Residential and commercial property owners and renters face similar issues. Premises liability claims may arise anywhere where a person or entity owns or possesses the property, including: private homes and apartments, shopping malls and retail stores, restaurants and bars, offices and office buildings, parking lots and more. The most common premises liability actions result from slip and fall accidents, sidewalk defects, falling objects, unfenced swimming pools and dog bites.
When hosting holiday gatherings or charity events at your property, it is important to take safety into account.
For residential property owners and renters in Arizona, the pool is easily your biggest hazard and liability. Cooler weather means more outdoor gatherings, so it is vital to have a gate, fence or a safety cover for your pool. By law, pools must be maintained to ensure the safety of guests.
It is important to remember: |
Commercial owners and renters are also at risk for injuries and accidents resulting from a pool, but should be aware of potential slip and fall injuries. Slick tile is difficult for guests to walk with dress shoes that lack good traction. Additionally, spills should not be left unattended; a cone or other warning sign should be placed around the spill to warn guests. Pleated carpeting is a potential hazard for young children running around the premises. Find a non-slick adhesive or rubber bottom for rugs and carpeting that is not permanently installed onto the floor.
For both residential and commercial property owners, some things to remember, especially this holiday and charity season include: |
It is the property owner’s responsibility to ensure the safety of their guests. Continued upkeep and maintenance will protect a property owner from facing premise liability charges. Stay safe and protect yourself and your business this season! |
For more information about premises liability this holiday season, visit Friedl Richardson Trial Lawyers’s website at