Tiffany & Bosco has been recognized by LexisNexis Martindale-Hubbell as one of the 2013 U.S. Top Ranked Law Firms based on the large percentage of the firm’s attorneys who are individually AV-rated. A law firm carries the rating of the highest rated lawyers in the firm. Lawyers are rated by their peers (other lawyers) and by judges. Martindale-Hubbell obtains the confidential opinions of lawyers and judges, then each lawyer is given two ratings, one for integrity or character; the other for competence. Tiffany & Bosco has an AV rating, which means it has an “A” (the highest) rating for competence and a “V” (very good – the highest) rating for integrity. Martindale-Hubbell publishes its ratings annually.
As of January 1, 2013, 59 percent of Tiffany & Bosco’s partners had achieved an AV-rating. “We are honored to receive this designation which is a reflection of the firm’s dedication to the profession, experience, integrity and overall service excellence,” stated Michael E. Tiffany, Managing Partner and Shareholder of Tiffany & Bosco. The list was compiled by LexisNexis Martindale-Hubbell.