As we journey through 2024, the captivating allure of video remains unmatched in the ever-evolving digital landscape, making video content marketing a driving force behind successful campaigns.

Video is more crucial than ever. The digital expanse knows no bounds, yet in every corner is the prominence of video content marketing. It’s become an indispensable tool for brands and continues to dominate for several compelling reasons.

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Here are six reasons your business should use the medium to tell your most important stories, with examples of success from real The James Agency clients. 

Engagement Amplified

Video captures audience attention like no other medium. It creates an immersive experience through the dynamic combination of visuals, sound and storytelling, making the content more memorable for the audience. Video allows audiences to have a full sensory understanding of your brand, encouraging engagement.

Rebecca Johann is Content Creator at The James Agency, Scottsdale’s woman-led, integrated strategic marketing agency specializing in all facets of advertising, public relations and digital.

Versatility in Messaging

The rise of video’s popularity can be attributed to its transformative nature, turning static messages into inherently shareable narratives. Whether educational, entertaining or promotional, video content marketing accommodates diverse messaging needs, allowing brands to convey their stories in a unique format that resonates with their target audience.

SEO Superpowers

Search engines prioritize video content, offering a significant boost in search rankings. Integrating videos into websites enhances online visibility and drives organic traffic, solidifying the unparalleled influence of video content.

Emotional Connection

Video has the powerful ability to evoke emotions, fostering connections that transcend traditional advertising, and playing a crucial role in building lasting brand loyalty.

When The James Agency’s client, Northern Arizona University (NAU) sought to connect with diverse audiences in rural Arizona, TJA strategically turned to video content marketing, aiming to craft an immersive experience that resonated with high school students, community college transfers, online learners, parents and community members.

Check out the behind-the-scenes of making NAU’s Adult Learner Campaign. The results were testament to video content’s undeniable influence, showcasing the transformative power of data-driven, emotion-first storytelling.

Here’s how it went at a year-to-date glance:

  • Statewide Impressions: 155,952
    • Household Reach: 64,629
    • Video Completes: 148,308
    • Video Completion Rate (VCR): 98.57%

Educational Potential

Beyond entertainment, video content serves as a powerful educational tool. Whether explaining complex concepts or showcasing behind-the-scenes processes, it can enhance the viewer’s understanding and engagement.

Social Media Amplification

Video in social media marketing is crucial. Social platform algorithms often favor this content, making it more likely to be shared and reach a broader audience. The viral potential of well-crafted videos is unparalleled.

The James Agency created a bite-sized, interactive video for client Fox Restaurant Concepts, for their restaurant, The Henry. Featuring the chef-crafted creation of The Henry’s legendary Short Rib Potstickers, the results transformed intricate culinary creations into engaging, social-friendly content with 16,648 plays, 112 shares, 40% non-followers reached and 26 total hours of watch time.

The narrative remains clear: video content marketing is a digital monarch. Its power to engage, educate and emotionally connect positions it at the forefront of digital marketing.

As we navigate the future, the throne belongs to those who harness the full potential of video storytelling. Don’t know where to start with creating your own video content? Contact The James Agency to have us help!

Author: Rebecca Johann is Content Creator at The James Agency, Scottsdale’s woman-led, integrated strategic marketing agency specializing in all facets of advertising, public relations and digital. To learn more, visit