Yes, business cards are still relevant in this day and age. In fact, your business card is a very powerful marketing tool.
Since you only have one chance to make a good first impression, you should make it count. In business, first impressions are crucial.
That includes the first impression someone has of your marketing materials. It’s part of your brand. While what to put on your business card doesn’t seem like a difficult task to undertake, if you don’t know what you’re doing, it could affect your business.
Make sure you use good business card design when creating your next business card. It could be the difference between a new client and your card collecting dust. Keep reading to learn how to create the best business card for your needs.
What to Put on Your Business Card
There is specific information that everyone should put on their business card. That includes your first and last name, your e-mail address, a contact phone number, your logo, and your web address.
You should also add a tagline so people remember exactly what type of business you’re in.
You can also add the name of your business, your cell phone number, and the physical address of your business, if you choose. Not everyone has a physical address and not everyone wants to give out their cell phone number.
Keep It Simple
Don’t go overboard with information. Just make sure they know how to reach you easily. A cluttered card will be discarded just as quickly as a card without any information on how to best reach you.
Also, always choose a card that is 3.5 inches by 2 inches or smaller. Anything larger and it won’t fit in a business card holder or in a wallet. Make it convenient for people to carry your card on their person.
Make Your Business Card Stand Out
While the information on your card is virtually the same as everyone else’s, that doesn’t mean you can’t do a few things to make yours stand out. The more your card shines, the more likely someone will hold onto it.
Graphic designer business cards are great because the graphic designer can help you create a unique look. But it will cost you.
You can also check online for templates for business card design. Many of them are free and it will help you find a look that’s unique for you and your business.
Don’t forget that your card is part of your brand. Make sure it reflects the same look as your website, social media pages, and even your e-mail signature. This will help build brand recognition as well as loyalty.
Good Fonts for Business Cards
A unique font can help your business cards stand out. But make sure the font is legible before you choose it. Business cards are small so sometimes a font looks great until it’s on a card.
Then it’s so small it may as well be in another language.
The best business font for you should reflect your personality and be the voice of your brand. A law firm won’t benefit from a fun, modern font but a hair salon will.
The Psychology of Color
There is a psychology behind the colors you choose, so choose wisely. Red stands for passion while blue represents tranquility.
Take a moment to focus on your brand before you choose which colors to use. Keep in mind you can always use white with black lettering but unless you find a way to make it pop, it may be a waste of paper and money.
Determine what color(s) symbolize what your business stands for. Red may be great for a law firm known for winning lawsuits but terrible for a therapist.
Don’t forget that you can change the color of your business card. Instead of regular white, which most cards use, opt for a black card with silver lettering. It’s a great way to stand out. But keep in mind, that may be too bold for some people.
Try not to go too crazy with colors. Stick to three colors at the most so that the colors stand out but don’t overwhelm the viewer.
Clever Ways People Have Used to Make Their Business Cards Stand Out
Your business card needs to reflect your brand. One way to do that is to design a business card that reflects your companies values.
If your company is environmentally conscious, you may want to opt for business cards made from 100% recycled paper.
If you’re a luxury brand, invest in a high-quality stock for your business cards. Whether you go environmentally-friendly or high-end, people will know exactly what you represent when they touch your cards.
You can also create a card that has dual purposes. One company used a third-party provider so their cards doubled as $5 Starbucks gift cards. It was the perfect way to ensure people hung onto their cards for a longer period of time.
You can also put your headshot on your business card. It’s a great way to ensure everyone remembers exactly who you are.
Business Cards are Not an Afterthought
While it’s true that business cards are probably the least expensive piece of marketing you’ll purchase, that doesn’t mean they aren’t just as important as your other marketing materials like your website.
Take your time and put some real thought into it. People will be able to tell a lot about you just from your card. Make sure the message your card delivers is the one you want to share with others.
There’s nothing worse than someone handing you a wrinkled business card with their phone number written in ink. It literally says, “I don’t care if I ever hear from you again.”
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