According to the “ iPhone Most Wanted Survey,” a representative survey of 1,000 U.S. smartphone users conducted by top used iPhone marketplace, close to half of all smartphone users say they are most excited about a rumored “Sapphire Screen” that is especially difficult to scratch or crack.
According to the survey, the Top 5 most wanted new iPhone 6 features are:
1. New ‘Sapphire Screen’ that is hard to scratch and crack (45.5%)
2. Infrared camera to see in the dark (19.2%)
3. New tools to monitor your health and fitness (10.7%)
4. Ability to show 3D images (9.5%)
5. New tools to control your home appliances (7.7%)
The Top 5 most wanted new iPhone 6 improvement are:
1. Improved battery life (37%)
2. Bigger screen (19.2%)
3. Better camera (11%)
4. Better phone reception (11%)
5. More memory (10%)
Other interesting findings include:
* Even though a bigger screen is a much talked about iPhone improvement, nearly twice as many people consider improved battery life to be more important.
* 50% of iPhone and Android users combined would chuck their old phones for the new iPhone 6 if the phone includes the Sapphire Screen.