Amor Collective, an organization based in Peoria that provides a space exclusively for Latina entrepreneurs to grow, welcomed this year’s cohort of 37 Latina-owned businesses to its first monthly business owner meeting on Thursday.
MORE NEWS: More Latinas emerge in leadership roles for Arizona business
The meeting was the first of a year-long series of monthly gatherings for members of the collective and celebrated the new businesses first month of work, while fostering a space for networking and a sense of unity amongst the local Latina entrepreneurs new to the collective.
“Each month, business owners will come together to analyze the month’s worth of business, share struggles and wins, obtain access to resources and connect with a local community partner that can offer support to their company,” said Founder and CEO of Amor Collective, Stephanie Vasquez. “By the end of each owners’ time in the collective, they’ll have grown close relationships with entrepreneurs in their cohort as well as 12 community partners that can offer support.”
Amor Collective hosted OneAZ Credit Union as the first community partner to introduce to the cohort to offer financial expertise and resources that are essential to small business growth. These monthly meetings, in addition to the collective’s tailored mentoring and coaching, help members develop business plans, refine leadership skills and gain access to valuable resources to support the expansion of their business.
“OneAZ Credit Union is proud to support trailblazers like the small business owners who call Amor Collective home,” said Vanessa Gonzalez, OneAZ Credit Union Regional Manager. “Through Empowering Latina Leaders in Arizona (ELLA), these Latina entrepreneurs are changing the world around them for the better. OneAZ is committed to inclusive excellence, empowering entrepreneurship and supporting community vitality through partnerships like this.”
ELLA, founded by Vasquez, is a nonprofit organization behind Amor Collective and Mujeres Mercado that was established to create opportunities for Latinas to thrive in the community, especially as it relates to business. The organization and its subsidiaries’ efforts are not only a testament to creating a community centered around inclusivity and support, but to encourage Latina entrepreneurs to achieve their full potential and leave an impact on their communities.
“Latina business owners are a major entrepreneurial group, leading in astronomical numbers. Their work is vital for sustainable economic growth and supporting their efforts is the ultimate goal of Amor Collective,” said Vasquez. “Having other businesses, like OneAZ who are so vested in the community, spend time and share resources means so much to these business owners and contributes immensely to our work.”
The organization now boasts a collective of 37 businesses, including works from Crafty Chica, novelties from Spicy Sassy Dulces or fashion from About a Look, for people to visit, shop and enjoy. To learn more about Amor Collective, visit the website at