The Phoenix Police Department recently received City Council approval to hire 33 new professional staff members. Twenty-five of those hires will be for a newly created Civilian Investigator position. The other eight, will be to add to the department’s already active Police Assistant staff.
The creation of the Civilian Investigator position is part of an innovative approach to support the department’s mission. As a result of the police staffing shortage being experienced nationwide by most agencies, the Phoenix Police Department identified job functions currently being performed by sworn personnel which can be completed by civilians. The push to hire more civilians comes on the heels of moving more than 100 sworn members of the department from specialty roles over to patrol.
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The Civilian Investigators will not replace detectives, but supplement and support the investigative mission. The goal is for those who fill these positions to administrative tasks, follow up on leads, and interview witnesses, among other things.
“We are over 400 officers down from our authorized strength,” Assistant Executive Chief Michael Kurtenbach said. The reallocation tactic is a short-term option to make sure when our community calls 911, an officer responds. The creation of these new positions is an approach that will address the staffing concerns in the long run.
Hiring civilians to take on an investigative role is intended to make sure crimes get hands on attention and, hopefully, solved in a timely manner. Those chosen to perform these duties will play a critical role in many aspects of investigations and police work, without carrying a firearm or making arrests.
The role of Police Assistant is one which will make a difference in the community where calls do not require the presence of a sworn officer. Currently, Police Assistants handled non-injury accidents, parking issues, lost or found property and a list of other things not requiring a sworn police officer. Adding more Police Assistant positions will free up sworn police officers to answer emergency calls from our community.
Simply put, Police Assistants and Civilian Investigators will play a critical role in continuing the important work of the Phoenix Police Department.
“This is a very noble profession,” Kurtenbach says, “I can’t think of a job that is more gratifying, but we need that passion, we need the men and women who are called to do this job to come do it with us.”
To view the job postings,including salary and qualifications. click here and search for Police Civilian Investigator or Police Assistant.