It’s not easy to be a counselor, especially when your clients are expecting you to have all the answers to their questions, or to resolve in one session all their problems. For that, it is essential for you to be as professional and reliable as possible, so that your clients will feel safe and comfortable with you.

Here are some tips on how you can improve your counseling business:

1. Dress professionally

Conscious or not, clients want to go to a counselor who looks and feels professional and confident. For many people, the thought of wearing a suit is enough to make them break out in hives. But as a counselor, you need to wear professional attire for your clients – not just because it’s what they expect, but because it will have an effect on how you think and act during sessions.

The first thing that we notice about someone is their appearance. If your clothes are wrinkled or don’t fit well, then you’re already at a disadvantage before the session has even begun. By dressing professionally and paying attention to details, will not only make you look more put-together , but you’ll also be able to make your clients feel they are important to you.

2. Use technology effectively

Technology can help you with organization, research, planning sessions ahead of time, etc. A great solution when it comes to using technology effectively is writing down your to-do tasks in a task management tool like Trello. It is free, and you can keep there document shortcuts, to-do lists, ideas, notes, etc.

Another way to use technology to your advantage as a counselor is to start using a therapy appointment scheduling app, so you can stay connected with your clients even while working. Apps like Appointfix makes client management, bookings, and scheduling as easy as they can be.

3. Be more productive

If you don’t have enough time and patience for your clients then it will make it easier for other counselors to take your business away from you. In order to avoid this situation, make sure that nothing interrupts you during your counseling sessions. A great alternative would be having your own online booking page, where clients can book online themselves, without having to call you anymore. This way, you’ll be able to be totally present during therapy, and still keep your schedule fully booked. You can create for free such a booking page with the same scheduling app I mentioned earlier.

4. Know all about confidentiality laws

The confidentiality law is a must for any therapist to know. The law was put in place so that therapists can take full responsibility for the information and needs of their client. It also ensures that the client has complete trust in you as a professional. By having in depth knowledge about the confidentiality law, you can overcome easily possible misunderstandings with difficult clients.

5. Don’t hesitate to refer someone

Referring clients to counselors who would be good for them is always helpful when you don’t have enough time, or if their needs are not something that you specialize in. So, while facing such a situation, you absolutely should not be selfish. Just think about that there’s probably someone else who can solve your client’s problem better than you, and that’s important. Plus, when a client will see that you send him to a better prepared person, they will appreciate you even more, and will give you a totally professional impression.