Here are the Top 10 hormone therapy providers, based on public voting for the 2020 edition of Ranking Arizona, the state’s biggest and most comprehensive business opinion poll. Ranking Arizona is based purely on opinion and ranks companies based on how voters answer this simple question: with whom would you recommend doing business? To make your vote count in the 2021 edition of Ranking Arizona, click here to vote.
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Here are the Top 10 hormone therapy providers in Arizona, as featured in the 2020 edition of Ranking Arizona:
1. SottoPelle Therapy
Background: SottoPelle is based on achieving physiologic hormonal balance – something research has shown is absolutely vital to one’s good health and well-being. Of all the hormone replacement modalities, only pellet therapy can provide this balance 24 hours a day, seven days a week. SottoPelle Therapy offers consistent, effective results based on the many years of application that went into its development. Developed by Gino Tutera, MD, FACOG, an internationally recognized pioneer and leader in the field of BHRT, SottoPelle is a remarkable method of natural hormone therapy based on a proprietary bioidentical pellet hormone delivery system.
Company strengths: “Our company has been utilizing pellets since 1992. Our founder, Dr. Gino Tutera, developed the individualized dosing system in 1992 that is in place today. We are looked at as the leader and pioneer in the field of pellet hormone replacement therapy. We have had many years as having the golden reputation in the industry for knowing the most about pellet therapy, while keeping our fees affordable for all. Our prices have not changed since we began over 25 years ago.”