Starting a small business is no easy task, especially in this highly competitive and technologically minded world we live in today.

As a small business owner myself, I’ve experienced many issues entrepreneurs face when starting their own business.

If you’re just starting out ask yourself, what can you do to compete with other companies within your own industry?

It is relatively easy (and fairly inexpensive) to make your company look very professional and put together with the help of technology.

Here at Marcus Networking, we are in the business of helping other companies so I’ve put together my five top tech tips to help with growth and professionalism:

  1. Email – Using a free Gmail or Yahoo email address is great for personal use. However, if you’re running a company, the use of a proper email address defines your company’s brand. Companies like and offer domain names from $9.99 that you can purchase to help secure your start to branded email.
  2. Website – once you secure that branded domain name, start to put it to use! and offer free website templates and consulting to help get your website off the ground. In the age of the digital world, it is key to have a website that highlights your company’s goods and or services. Website hosting can run as little as $2.99 a month for a simple site.
  3. File Storage and Collaboration – Products like and Office 365 offer online file storage systems that allow you to access all of your files/data from anywhere in the world on almost any type of device from smart phones to laptops. Not only is it an inexpensive solution but it allows you to share files with all of your staff and customers if needed.
  4. Hosted VoIP – Not having to give your cell phone number to every client can be a good thing! Start your business or upgrade to hosted phone solutions that allow you to have a main company number with extensions (only pay for what you use or need) and hand those numbers out instead. You can still make calls using your cell phone but disguised as your company’s main number or dedicated extension number. These solutions start with one extension and can grow into the hundreds, all for the cost of $9.99 per extension per month. A small price to pay to keep your sanity and privacy.
  5. Finances – Quickbooks has become one of the fastest growing online financial billing solutions. For $19.99 a month you can take credit cards, ACH and invoice clients all from your smartphone. Online products like this allow you to run your business from anywhere and more importantly bill for services and collect for service on the spot. Quickbooks allows you to brand your invoices, your online payment website and much more.

Silicon Desert Insider is a weekly blog published every Wednesday morning on, about the local technology industry. If you have an idea for a piece for “Silicon Desert Insider,” please email AZ BIG Media Digital Editor Jesse A. Millard at