Every year the technology industry gets together for CES, the annual conference in Las Vegas where the field’s biggest players come to announce new products, show off their innovations, and see what everyone else has to offer. This year was no different, except that renewable energy seemed to be at the core of the event. Why is this? And what kind of innovations were premiered at the 2020 CES conference?

2019: Environmentalism & Strife

2019 was one of the biggest years for environmental issues and their opponents. There wasn’t a lot of agreement on what to do about our climate issues, but slowly people around the planet are beginning to realize that we need to act on the degradation of the environment, the carbon in our atmosphere, and the pollution in our air. It is no surprise then that after a year of arguments about climate change and what to do about it that this year’s CES would focus on renewable energy and innovative technologies that could enhance the use of green and eco-friendly products. There were a lot of items premiered and showcased, here are just a few of them.

The Hydraloop

This year one of the biggest announcements was the CES award for innovation. The winner was the Dutch company Hydraloop. This product is a water recycler used in the home, and it is making waves by showing how much water the home can reuse. The size of a small flat refrigerator, the Hydraloop has a six-step process that cleans, filters, and reuses water that goes down the drain. This makes it useable for the garden, the dishes, in the toilet, and more. According to the energy comparison site MoneyPug, the Hydraloop saves up to 85 percent of the water in the home. This system was one of the most talked about tech products at CES.

Living Packets Reusable Box

The company Living Packets has made a shipping box that is completely recyclable. Not only can the company refurbish and recirculate these boxes, they have a digital face for the address and postage label. The company plans on reducing both the use of plastic and the number of trees being cut down. It also has an internal mesh that eliminates the need for bubble wrap and other packing materials. Another company that plans to revolutionize an industry with technology, time will tell if it is successful or not.


Another company trying to revolutionize their field is Oxicool, an air conditioning system that says it can cut down on energy consumption up to 90 percent. Normally these unites require huge amounts of energy and use harmful chemicals. The Oxicool uses only water as a refrigerant, claiming that their system is so clean you can drink the water. Each part of the system is also recyclable. Not only can the Oxicool save a lot of energy, but it will also conserve water.

Rexi Source Hydropanel

Water was a key issue at this year’s CES. With the world’s clean water becoming scarcer and scarcer, there will be many issues surrounding it in the near future. The Rexi Source Hydropanel by the Arizona company Zero Mass Water is the latest version of this generator that pulls moisture from the air to create clean drinking water. All you do is put the system high up and it slowly pulls water from the air.

Rocean’s Filter

Rocean is a company based in New York City that has created a filter system to clean and liven up our tap water. Not only does the machine filter water, it can carbonate and even flavor it. The goal of this system is to reduce our dependence on plastic-bottled drinks. With the ability to clean our water while making it tastier, people won’t need to buy drinks from the store. Instead they can make a flavored, carbonated water using just their sink.

Every tech company going into conservation, renewable energy, and eco-friendly products plans on not only helping the environment but helping themselves. While they are making a positive impact on the environment, they are also trying to make lots of money doing so. With many problems surrounding the climate, nature, our atmosphere, and the pollution of our air and water, some of these companies will become unfathomably rich promoting products that help us and the planet.