The Internet and increased technologic advances have done a lot to change the way we approach our work as well as our workspaces. There are more opportunities than ever to work from home and to start businesses with a global reach. When your business employs top-tier talent all over the world, it helps to have the ability to collaborate across the globe. Here are five tips to revolutionize the way you collaborate within your business.
1. Use the Right Technology
When you decide to take your organization’s collaborations global, it is a tremendous help to have the right coworking software. Using technology that is easy to set up and use is invaluable when it comes to the sharing of ideas, goals and information. When you have software that integrates into the way you work, it just works. It won’t feel like a sidecar. It can improve the communication within your business, allowing for more efficiency and productivity.
2. Streamline Your Procedures
There’s always beauty in simplicity. By streamlining your workflow, your reporting procedures and other processes that are integral to your organization, it’ll be easier than ever to navigate global collaborations. Thoroughly examine your workflow, procedures and the role they play in the workflow first. One way to discover what isn’t working is to talk to your employees. They are quite knowledgeable when it comes to what is and what isn’t helpful in accomplishing tasks. Now it’s time to trim the fat. Start to scale back things that are not vital to your organization.
3. Stand Back
No one likes to be micromanaged. As the boss, you don’t have to be so deeply involved in everything your employees are doing. Afterall, you hired them to help ease your workload and perform tasks you were unable to do or needed help doing. You hired them for a reason, so as long as expectations and goals are clear, it’s probably best that you stand back and let them do the job you hired them to do. And if you find that you need to monitor your employees like a hawk, you may want to consider additional training or personal development opportunities.
4. Stay Fluid
In business, things are destined to change, and it’s important to be flexible. If you’re not able to deviate from your original plan, you may find your goal is unattainable. There are many ways to skin a cat, so embrace change, adapt and evolve as needed.
5. Listen
Be an active listener. Pay attention to what your team is saying and how they feel. Remember, there is a good reason they are part of this global collaboration. You can make it as fun or seamless as you like. If you can’t trust your team to truly be on your team, who can you trust? Keeping your fingers on the pulse of your business and acting on the information you receive will better serve your collaborations.
Undoubtedly, collaboration can make the world and your business a better place. Better marketing, new clients, increased revenue, these are just some of the many benefits you can experience by leveraging global collaborations. Just make sure you use the necessary tools to make the most of it.