Girls in Tech, an organization focused on the empowerment, entrepreneurship, engagement, and education of women in technology, has launched a Phoenix Chapter to help young women in the community understand their potential as future leaders in the technology sector. However, Girls in Tech exists for anyone with an interest in technology, startups and promoting the growth of women in the workforce. I’d be happy to arrange an interview with one of the leaders of the organization to help you better understand their goals and objectives.
Girls in Tech Phoenix’s first event is a screening of the film “She Started It.” This organization provides women with a platform for growth that allows them to cultivate their ideas and seek fulfillment in their careers. We hope you can attend – it’s free and open to the public, and refreshments will be provided. Parents are encouraged to bring their teens and tweens.
Attendees can register for the event here.
Date: Thursday, June 15
Time: 5:30-8:30 p.m.
Location: Irene P. Flinn Theater at the Arizona Science Center
Address: 600 E Washington St., Phoenix, AZ 85004
Parking: Heritage and Science Park Garage on 5th Street and Monroe Street. Arizona Science Center offers parking validation.
About “She Started It”: Through intimate, action-driven storytelling, the film “She Started It,” explores the cultural roots of female underrepresentation in entrepreneurship—including pervasive self-doubt, fear of failure, and risk aversion among young women. It exposes the structural realities women face as they become entrepreneurs, including lack of female role models and investors, and the persistent dearth of venture capital funding made available to women-led companies.