There are a number of great CMS platforms out there that can help you to build a beautiful website with great functionality, and Drupal and WordPress should be at the top of your list. Here we look at some of the reasons to choose from these two platforms.
Drupal’s functionality outstrips WordPress, but because of the proficiency required to take full advantage of this, it is going to be something you need to work with someone to exploit. Once learned though, Drupal really offers a lot.
wordpress, if you are developing your site yourself initially is going to be a better fit for you. Check out this 12 best blogging sites comparison to get an idea of what else is available to help you get your website up and running.
How Flexible Are They?
Both platforms are very flexible, but the way that unpacks them is a little different. Whereas with WordPress free themes and plugins allow you to hit the ground running, Drupal does not have as many starter themes, but every aspect is geared towards custom development.
Drupal’s modules give you a similar scope of things you can do, but you are often going to need a developer to help you with those. WordPress plugins are very intuitive in their use.
Drupal is aimed more at building professional platforms that need to handle a lot of content, and it can be better for handling complex projects.
How Easy Are They To Use?
WordPress definitely wins in this area, because you literally need no skill to get started at all. You choose your name and WordPress guides you through the setup, selecting a basic design and the plugins you might need as well.
Drupal is going to take you a second to get used to, and it is definitely going to help if you have some experience with coding. If you are versed in HTML, CSS, and PHP you are going to be fine, but otherwise, you may struggle.
How Good Is The Security
Both of the platforms are open source, but of the two, Drupal has a better reputation for security, that has seen it adopted by organizations such as the government as the CMS of choice.
WordPress is constantly looking to close any loopholes in their coding, and they do make older plugins incompatible with newer builds, forcing the programmers to meet certain standards.
Both of them can be bolstered by choosing the right server to host on.
How Much Do They Cost?
The cost you are looking at with both platforms is not in that initial phase, because you can download and install both of them for free, it instead comes when you are looking to develop your web presence.
WordPress developers are pretty common because WordPress is in high usage, so finding someone who will work for a reasonable price is easier. Drupal developers, being rarer, are going to cost you more. Given what you can do with Drupal you may consider it worth the price.
As you can see, there are a lot of reasons that both platforms are great solutions to help you build your website. WordPress wins out on ease of use, but Drupal edges it out in some key areas of the scope of what it can do and its security.