The weather is giving us top bragging rights to our friends and family in the Midwest and on the East Coast. We live for the open windows, patios, golf and spring training baseball games.
It’s also a great time to do some meaningful spring cleaning — but we sort of get used to our piles, stacks and files. So, when it comes to marketing, let me help you shake some of those cobwebs loose:
>> Dust Off That Prospect List: Give yourself a break from the “I’m so busy” excuse and pick up the phone. How long has it been since you scheduled a lunch, golf or dinner party with a firm you are desiring to get to know? And while your at it, review your database, a lot of those people have changed jobs a few times … clean it up and make some much needed connections.
>> Marketing Material Makeover: It’s a great time to update your marketing material; photos on the wall, awards in the conference room, marketing brochures with old contacts and projects. Remember that while you go into your conference room every day and see an award, when a new prospect sees that the most current award is from 2007, that might not send the most powerful message. Challenge your team to take the time to update the information around you and bring those “to-dos” to the top of the priority list.
>> Refresh Your References: Someone shared with me this week that their firm’s marketing materials have references that used to be strong references, but they are no longer there or they do not have the confidence they once had. This is a common occurrence and one that can thwart all of your project pursuit efforts. Create a reference database and categorize it if you do not already do so. Then contact them personally and renew their enthusiasm about your firm. Also, if you are aware someone might be calling your references, contact those individuals ahead of time, so they have adequate time to anticipate the call.
>> Your Neglected Website: When you consider that your website is the single most important marketing investment, it seems counterintuitive that the website is very often kicked to the curb when it comes to updating. Not only should your website be getting current posts, information, links, photos and news on a weekly basis, but it needs to serve as a powerful resource. Some indicators that you need to go beyond the dusting off stage and into some deep cleaning include:
> Not able to be viewed on mobile devices;
> Not able to be updated by you;
> Search Engine Optimization is not working for you;
> You have too much text;
> People are not commenting on your website as being a great resource or memorable.
>> Polishing Up Promotional Materials: I saw someone wearing a t-shirt of a company that had an old logo, stained and worse for wear. I asked them about it and they told me that they have not ordered new shirts for employees for several years because of budget cuts. Makes sense to be mindful of the dollars, but your staff continues to wear your firm’s brand and it is not conveying a strong first impression. Take a look at everything —stained coffee mugs, inconsistent logos, vehicles, signage, etc. You may need to develop a roll out plan for new items, but it is money well spent.
Spring is such an apparent time of renewal and your marketing activities should be no exception. If you have any questions about this article or any of the topics I have covered in previous posts, please feel free to contact me at