Bloggers need to make SEO one of their top priorities. We have talked about some of the most important SEO strategies they can implement.

However, it can be challenging when Google frequently updates its algorithm. The good news is that there are strategies even new bloggers can use to enhance or safeguard their SEO rankings, which are not typically found in various SEO books.

How Can New Bloggers Deal with Changes from Google

Andrew Hutchinson recently wrote an article in Social Media Today titled Google Announces Core Algorithm Update: Search. Hutchinson talked about how Google recently announced a core algorithm update and the impact it may have on search rankings. This update can have a huge impact on bloggers that want more traffic. It can be even harder for new bloggers to gain traction, since it takes a long time to earn SEO rankings.

The most recent updates that Google released are regular changes to its search algorithm. The purpose of these updates is to improve search results relevance and help users find the content they are looking for easier.  This latest update is part of a pattern Google has made where it regularly tweaks its algorithm to better understand and match user search intent.

Google hasn’t shared many details about the latest changes. However, many bloggers and SEO experts have started monitoring their websites to see if they need to make any changes. These updates often cause search rankings to change a lot. Some websites may get a lot more traffic while others may see their traffic drop.

Hutchinson states that it is important to focus on creating high-quality, relevant content that aligns with user intent to maintain or improve search engine rankings in spite of these changes. He also  suggests using Google’s Search Console and other analytics tools to analyze traffic and performance metrics, which can help website owners identify areas where they can improve their search engine rankings.

There are many great free resources that can help. We suggest this blog post from Ahrefs, which has a lot of great advice.

What Steps Can New Bloggers Take to Survive Google Updates?

SEMrush has a great article titled How to Survive a Google Update: A Step-by-Step SEO Guide. As its name implies, this article helps bloggers survive new Google updates. While the article was written in 2022, it still has some great tips.

The most important thing that bloggers need to do is to prepare for new updates. Bloggers need to stay informed about new updates. They can do this by looking at the Google blog for announcements. They should also look industry news reports and read other reliable SEO websites such as SEO by the SEO or Search Engine Watch. Bloggers that are aware of new algorithm changes can implement new strategies to protect their website rankings.

The next thing they should do is monitor website performance metrics and search engine results pages closely. This is even more important after the update takes place. They should track  fluctuations in search rankings, traffic, and user engagement metrics enables SEO practitioners to identify any adverse effects of the update on their website and take timely corrective actions. Overall, staying informed and vigilant are crucial steps in navigating Google updates effectively and maintaining a strong online presence.

This is going to be very important for bloggers that want to get more organic search engine traffic. Fortunately, they will have a much easier time if they are willing to take advantage of the right resources and make the necessary changes.