One of the essential elements to keep your online business growing and growing is a good web hosting service. Before choosing web hosting, it is vital to know its importance and best for a particular online store. Let’s clarify some basic concepts. This will further help you to define your business needs better.
What is web hosting?
Web hosting combines several services that make it possible to publish a website on the Internet and keep it running. In other words, it is renting space for storing your website files and data on separate servers, similar to renting premises for an offline store. Only in this case, instead of paying for square meters, you pay for megabytes, and instead of available communications, for server capacities.
Webhosting works quite simply: the hosting company provides the server facilities that host your website. They store the entirety of your records and information that are shown on a website page. When clients land on your site, they associate with these workers, which permit the substance to be displayed on the guest’s gadget. Hosting is where the site files are stored.
Perhaps the importance of hosting for an aspiring entrepreneur dealing with an online store for the first time will not be noticeable. But in fact, the stability of the site of a commercial project and resistance to loads with a significant increase in traffic will depend on the quality of the allocated capacity.
This is important because if you encounter an unreliable provider, that will not ensure the site’s smooth operation. For some reason, the downtime of your site will be equal to several days, then your site may significantly lose its position in the search results and in exceptional situations, it will simply fall out. One of the best providers for this hosting is Cloudways. If you want to see why, read this Cloudways hosting review.
Shared hosting
Shared Webhosting is planned so that on one powerful server, the program divides the server’s resources into multiple accounts. By ordering a shared hosting plan, you get your small part on the server and place your website or online store in the neighborhood with other clients.
Shared hosting is suitable for beginners because it makes it possible to immediately place a website on a server and publish it on the Internet. There is no need to configure the software on the server – the hosting company’s specialists have already completed all the settings.
Importance of shared hosting:
• Convenient control panel
When ordering a service, you receive a customized hosting control panel, in which you can manage site files, domain mail, domains, backups, and more.
• Server administration by hosting provider
The provider makes sure that the server runs stably and the software is regularly updated. This is especially useful for those with minimal technical knowledge of server administration.
• Additional services as a benefit
When buying shared hosting for a long time, hosting providers often give gift domains, SSL certificates, and dedicated IP addresses.
Cloud hosting
Processor power, RAM, and different assets are taken from various workers. If one media fails, it will quickly be replaced by a second one, not affecting the site’s operation.
Importance of cloud hosting:
• Additional services as a benefit for website
When buying cloud web hosting for a long duration, you can also get a domain, SSL certificate, and a dedicated IP address with the hosting.
• Low price
Shared hosting accounts take up less space on the shared server, resulting in lower prices.
VPS hosting
VPS hosting can be compared to a penthouse – the server is located on the same server next to other VPSs, but there are many. Also, VPS gets more server resources. On a VPS, you have administrator rights and the ability to configure the server with almost no restrictions.
Importance of VPS hosting:
• Administrator access
You can install any program on the VPS that is necessary for the site or online store to work.
• Ability to purchase server resources
If your project grows, you can buy additional memory, disk space, or processor cores without switching to another tariff.
• Fewer neighbors on the server
There are fewer accounts on VPS media, so server resources are divided among more occasional users. This makes it less likely that a server neighbor will affect the operation of your site.