McCarthy Law PLC in Scottsdale has received a 2015 Happiest Company Award and the 2015 Employee Recognition Award from TINYpulse, a company that helps employers to capture workplace feedback from its employees. A law firm specializing in debt settlement and negotiating debt without bankruptcy, McCarthy Law PLC has beat out several hundreds of other companies who use the relatively new software, TINYpulse.
TINYpulse allows employers to capture feedback from employees and gain insight into the company to improve happiness and productivity in the workplace. Through the use of TINYpulse, employees are able to submit their anonymous responses to the company’s questions and express their opinions towards their jobs. While the set of questions are standardized by TINYpulse and companies cannot pose their own questions, the questions used are relative to every company and allow for a fair and standardized review so that TINYpulse users can see how they rank amongst other users. Some examples of questions asked by the device are listed below:
• On a scale of 1 to 10, how well does your organization support you in exploring your professional interests and goals?
• If your organization had a theme song, what would it be and, more importantly, why did you choose that song?
• On a scale of 1 to 10, how happy are you at work?
• Do you feel comfortable providing upward feedback to your supervisor?
• If they were making a movie about your organization, which actor or actress should play your CEO and why?
After the responses are submitted, companies are able to revamp and alter their procedures and management to provide a more lively workplace with productive, enthusiastic workers.
Kevin Fallon McCarthy of McCarthy Law PLC in Scottsdale began implementing the software in his company in the summer of 2013. Since then, he has been able to improve the lives of his employees by taking into consideration their requests, suggestions, and solutions to problems within the workplace.
“The weekly survey allows us to improve the culture of our company. It gives our employees an opportunity to express themselves anonymously,” McCarthy says about TINYpulse.
McCarthy went on to give examples of the changes TINYpulse has been able to implement within the workplace ranging from the acquirement of a Keurig Coffee Appliance to revamping management techniques and styles to improve happiness turnout within the law firm. “We added a fun committee to plan events for the firm as the result of a suggestion. We do bi-monthly potlucks based on a suggestion. We changed PTO from being taken in one day increments to half days as a result of a suggestion,” McCarthy listed in regards to the changes his company has made. “Our employees have an easy way to propose ideas to make work a better place without worrying about any adverse consequences.”
Numerous studies have been done by various psychologists such as John Helliwell, Richard Reeves, and Sonja Lybomirsky to determine the relationship of happiness and productivity in the workplace. Among all of their findings, similar results were received and common inferences were made that the correlation between a positive well-being at work and productivity, cooperation, and enthusiasm is positive (Psychology Today). “With companies struggling to survive in a competitive economy, and engaged in a war for talent, the problems of recruitment, retention and employee engagement of productive employees are critical. No less critical is the recognition that a happy workplace can have a significant impact on business results and success,” states Ray Williams, author of “How workplace happiness can boost productivity” (July 20, 2010).
TINYpulse, however, is not the only service that can be used by companies to improve employees’ well-being at work. There are several different techniques employers can implement in their daily work lives that will pave the path for a more enthusiastic work environment. Being attentive to the requests of employers, taking into consideration the effects of the company on each individual who is a part of it, and informing the employees of an open door policy are all great ways to improve happiness in the workplace.