Texting in the workplace when you are on the go is a quick, easy and useful method in many circumstances. I call this untraditional professionalism, in today’s high-tech world this is very appropriate especially if your boss or even project managers initiate text messaging and group text meetings. If colleagues have not initiated text messaging, you shouldn’t text. Ask the colleague ahead of time if its okay.
When it comes to appointment times, contracts, bad news about losing or not closing a deal e-mailing is much better. It leaves a digital paper trail for both sender and the recipient. Here are some tips from Venus Hurst of venusstaffing.com on how to send appropriate text messages in the workplace
#1 Go through your employee handbook. Find out if the company you work for has any text messaging policies in place.
#2 Be sure to send text messages during business hours – unless it is an emergency. An example might be you can’t make it to work.
#3 Text clear specific information– A text message should not include subtleties. Use texts for information that has little room for misinterpretation. Avoid attempts at humor or witty remarks.
#4 Remain professional– Every piece of communication is a reflection of your professionalism, including a simple text. Even though there are hundreds of emojis, reserve them for your personal correspondence.
#5 Don’t text confidential news– be sure to send all important and confidential information in a e-mail or discuss it over a phone call.
#6 Keep it brief – With voice-to-text capabilities, it’s easy to send a rambling, lengthy text message. If your message is more than a couple of sentences in length, a phone call or email is probably better. Keep in mind text messages can get broken apart and sent it random order making them hard to follow.
#7 Sign off gracefully– text threads can go on and on, as though each party doesn’t want to be the first to close the conversation. When the communication goal has been reached, end the correspondence with a thank you or promise to follow up soon.