• Stanton pitches Phoenix to Silicon Valley businesses - Read Article

    Stanton pitches Phoenix to Silicon Valley businesses


    Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton wants businesses in Silicon Valley to relocate to Arizona. Stanton traveled to California this week to sell Phoenix as a prime location for technology and manufacturing…

  • U.S. Business Leaders Showing Signs of Optimism - Read Article

    U.S. Business Leaders Showing Signs of Optimism


    On the heels of a pessimistic outlook during the fourth quarter of 2012, US business leaders show signs of increased optimism in the performance of the nation’s economy according to…

  • Obama unveils $3.8 trillion spending plan - Read Article

    Obama unveils $3.8 trillion spending plan


    President Barack Obama sent Congress a $3.8 trillion spending blueprint on Wednesday that strives to achieve a “grand bargain” to tame runaway deficits, raising taxes on the wealthy and trimming…

  • HSMAI helps hospitality industry fuel sales - Read Article

    HSMAI helps hospitality industry fuel sales


    Like most industries, hospitality took a hit during the economic downturn, but the Arizona travel industry started to recover in 2010 and pumped $18.3 billion in direct travel spending into…

  • Small sports mean big business in Arizona - Read Article

    Small sports mean big business in Arizona


    This month, Arizona’s Swimming Showcase is anticipated to draw 300 elite high school athletes — along with thousands of family members and fans — from more than a dozen different…

  • Grand Canyon-sized tax reform - Read Article

    Grand Canyon-sized tax reform


    The recent Grand Canyon Institute report “The Effects of Tax Reductions In Arizona: Significantly Reduced Government Revenue and No Apparent Impact on Economic Growth,” dismisses the bipartisan efforts to improve…

  • U.S. adds 236,000 jobs in February - Read Article

    U.S. adds 236,000 jobs in February


    A burst of hiring last month added 236,000 U.S. jobs and reduced the unemployment rate to 7.7 percent from 7.9 percent in January. The robust gains suggested that the economy…

  • Brewer, GM announce Chandler Innovation Center - Read Article

    Brewer, GM announce Chandler Innovation Center


    Michigan-based General Motors (GM), together with Governor Jan Brewer, Chandler Mayor Jay Tibshraeny, the Arizona Commerce Authority (ACA) and the Greater Phoenix Economic Council (GPEC), announced today GM has selected…

  • GPEC analyzes impact of potential defense cuts - Read Article

    GPEC analyzes impact of potential defense cuts


    The Greater Phoenix Economic Council today released findings and recommendations from its Aerospace and Defense Market Intelligence Program, a two-phase initiative that took an in-depth look at the region’s aerospace…

  • How could budget cuts impact Arizona? - Read Article

    How could budget cuts impact Arizona?


    The White House released a list of impacts to Arizona from automatic budget cuts that are set to take hold this week. The White House compiled the numbers from federal…
