• U.S. Business Leaders Showing Signs of Optimism - Read Article

    U.S. Business Leaders Showing Signs of Optimism


    On the heels of a pessimistic outlook during the fourth quarter of 2012, US business leaders show signs of increased optimism in the performance of the nation’s economy according to…

  • Obama unveils $3.8 trillion spending plan - Read Article

    Obama unveils $3.8 trillion spending plan


    President Barack Obama sent Congress a $3.8 trillion spending blueprint on Wednesday that strives to achieve a “grand bargain” to tame runaway deficits, raising taxes on the wealthy and trimming…

  • HSMAI helps hospitality industry fuel sales - Read Article

    HSMAI helps hospitality industry fuel sales


    Like most industries, hospitality took a hit during the economic downturn, but the Arizona travel industry started to recover in 2010 and pumped $18.3 billion in direct travel spending into…

  • Small sports mean big business in Arizona - Read Article

    Small sports mean big business in Arizona


    This month, Arizona’s Swimming Showcase is anticipated to draw 300 elite high school athletes — along with thousands of family members and fans — from more than a dozen different…

  • Grand Canyon-sized tax reform - Read Article

    Grand Canyon-sized tax reform


    The recent Grand Canyon Institute report “The Effects of Tax Reductions In Arizona: Significantly Reduced Government Revenue and No Apparent Impact on Economic Growth,” dismisses the bipartisan efforts to improve…

  • U.S. adds 236,000 jobs in February - Read Article

    U.S. adds 236,000 jobs in February


    A burst of hiring last month added 236,000 U.S. jobs and reduced the unemployment rate to 7.7 percent from 7.9 percent in January. The robust gains suggested that the economy…

  • Brewer, GM announce Chandler Innovation Center - Read Article

    Brewer, GM announce Chandler Innovation Center


    Michigan-based General Motors (GM), together with Governor Jan Brewer, Chandler Mayor Jay Tibshraeny, the Arizona Commerce Authority (ACA) and the Greater Phoenix Economic Council (GPEC), announced today GM has selected…

  • GPEC analyzes impact of potential defense cuts - Read Article

    GPEC analyzes impact of potential defense cuts


    The Greater Phoenix Economic Council today released findings and recommendations from its Aerospace and Defense Market Intelligence Program, a two-phase initiative that took an in-depth look at the region’s aerospace…

  • How could budget cuts impact Arizona? - Read Article

    How could budget cuts impact Arizona?


    The White House released a list of impacts to Arizona from automatic budget cuts that are set to take hold this week. The White House compiled the numbers from federal…

  • Arizona university research has $1 billion impact - Read Article

    Arizona university research has $1 billion impact


    A new report shows that Arizona’s economy benefits by more than $1 billion from research at the state’s public universities. To put that in perspective, that is the economic impact…
