One would think that breastfeeding a baby would be simple, but there are still plenty of misconceptions connected to this vital part of motherhood. Some people are still confused about the process, what it involves, and how easy it should be. To avoid these misconceptions, here are 10 of the most common myths about breastfeeding that are about to be busted.

10. Myth: Formula Should Never Be Used If You Want To Breastfeed

Some mothers may want to use formula on those occasions when they don’t feel like breastfeeding but are afraid that there will be negative side effects as a result. The truth is that there is nothing wrong with supplementing breastfeeding with formula on occasion. It is best to look for Baby Formula Information that is unbiased to find the right options available, probably from a lactation specialist or skilled professional who can provide the best information when it comes to breastfeeding and what the options are so that the best choice can be made for the baby’s nutrition and the mother’s well-being.

9. Myth: You Should Not Breastfeed If You Are Sick

It is dependent on the kind of illness the mother has. If there is a concern, then medical advice should be sought as to whether breastfeeding should continue at this time. However, a mother can continue to breastfeed when she is sick. In fact, the antibodies that her body creates can be passed onto her baby through breast milk, providing further protection against illness and disease. It is also important that the mother takes care of herself as well by getting the right treatment for her illness, plenty of bed rest, and staying hydrated and well-fed.

8. Babies Who Are Breastfeed Tend To Become Clingy

There is always the concern that babies who are breastfed tend to not know how to cope with being separated from their mothers. But the real truth is that some babies will be clingy and others will not, regardless of how they are fed. What’s most important is that babies receive the best nutrition, whether it’s from the breast or formula. What cannot be denied, however, is that breastfed babies are held a lot more, which can enhance the bonding process between mother and child.

7. Myth: Breastfeeding Mothers Should Only Eat Plain Food

Mothers who are breastfeeding should focus on getting a well-balanced diet, not what foods are going to affect their babies through their breast milk. If a mother already has good eating habits, then there is no reason to change them. Babies are already exposed to a mother’s food preferences while they are still in the womb so there’s no reason to change them now after the baby is born. However, if a new mother does notice that her baby reacts to breast milk after she has eaten a certain food, then it’s important that she consult a specialist.

6. Myth: Breastfeeding Is Easy

If the process was so easy, then there wouldn’t be mothers who struggled with the process. Whether it’s trying to get a baby to latch or producing enough milk, there’s also going to be some hurdle that a new mother has to deal with when it comes to breastfeeding for the first time. The process does take time and practice to get right, and it doesn’t hurt for the mother to have a support system to help her along the way if she has questions or concerns when it comes to the breastfeeding process. It also takes a lot of time out of the day, so that support system is also important to provide her with the rest she needs.

5. Myth: You Should Always Wash Your Nipples Before Breastfeeding

There is never the need to wash your nipples before breastfeeding. Although a new mother may leak on occasion, that’s not a reason her nipples have to be cleaned. They release some good bacteria that can help the baby’s immune system, and the baby is already familiar with the mother’s smell, so cleaning them off isn’t essential.

4. Myth: Engaging In Exercise Will Affect The Taste of Breastmilk

That could not be further from the truth. Engaging in exercise is important for the mother, not only so that she can feel like herself again, but also because it’s great for her health. Especially for breastfeeding mothers, exercising increases blood flow which can sometimes help with milk production. There is no scientific evidence to show that exercise will change the flavor of breastmilk and make it undesirable to a baby.

3. Myth: It Is Difficult To Start Weaning If You Breastfeed For More Than A Year

No matter when you choose to stop breastfeeding, it’s always going to be a little difficult because of the routine that a baby has fallen into. But there is no evidence that you should stop breastfeeding when a baby turns a year old. In fact, it’s recommended that a mother breastfeed up until the child turns two, as it can be beneficial for both mother and child. It’s different for every mother and child, so when she chooses to stop breastfeeding is up to her.

2. Myth: You Can’t Take Medication If You’re Breastfeeding

If medication is necessary for some reason, it is always important to consult with one’s doctor first and to read the instructions on the medications purchased to see if women who are breastfeeding are allowed to take them or not. A new mother might have to work around specific times to take certain medications as well as certain dosages.

1. Myth: It’s Normal For Breastfeeding To Hurt

It is the popular belief that having sore nipples while breastfeeding is just par for the course and that new mothers shouldn’t expect anything different. However, with the right support, positioning while breastfeeding, and ensuring that baby is properly attached, sore nipples can be avoided.

Don’t believe everything that you read or hear when it comes to breastfeeding. Every new mother is going to have a different experience, so there is no blueprint as to what motherhood will be like for you. Speak to your doctor about any concerns you may have so that you don’t fall sway under these myths.