Arizona is having a prime real estate moment with approximately 200 residents moving into the state every day. Those new to Arizona may have heard of scorpions, but the Arizona bark scorpion species is often misunderstood. These small predators have a poisonous and possibly fatal sting.
The arachnids, not insects, can and often will find their way into a cold house during a hot summer through cracks an owner might not even notice. As the heat starts to rise, more and more Phoenicians can expect to see these scary-looking critters crawling across the floor or hiding in shoes and piles of debris.
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Scorpion Repel is offering some tips to help new Southwest residents keep their kids, pets, and family members safe and knowledgeable. Simple ways to protect a house from scorpions Include:
Shake Your Shoes
New residents have never had the surprise of sticking their foot into a shoe only to find a dead scorpion, or worse, a live one that stings. Arizonans know that these little creatures love to sneak into shoes that are left out during the night for shelter, only to surprise homeowners in the morning.
New residents should always tip or shake their shoes to be sure no scorpion is hiding near the toe. A homeowner would also be wise to keep their shoes, clothing, and any other wearables off the ground and inside.
The Problem with Citrus Trees
Scorpions love insects and insects love citrus trees. The shade and water attract them to these areas with orange groves popular in Gilbert, Tempe, parts of Mesa, and throughout the Valley. These fragrant trees seem lovely but can be a magnet for unwanted guests so it’s important that new homeowners with citrus trees learn how to protect their homes. They need to trim and manage these trees as well as seal every inch of their house.
Control the Exterior Lighting
This is not widely known, but scorpions are also attracted to certain outdoor lighting. New residents should examine the outdoor lighting of their home and consider yellow light bulbs instead of white to reduce the insect activity, as this will detract scorpions on the hunt.
In addition, new homeowners should also purchase a blacklight to comb their yards at night to help find the arachnids. Blacklights will illuminate and make Arizona bark scorpions glow in the dark, which will help a resident rid their yards of these pests before they enter the home.
Where’s Your Firewood?
Lastly, scorpions love to hide and walls, ceilings, or inside a pile of firewood are other popular spots.
It’s important for homeowners to move any debris away from the house and trim foliage that could be touching the house. If a tree is leaning onto the roof, this gives scorpions a ladder onto the home. Firewood should especially be kept at a distance from the house to prevent any nests.
While the idea of encountering a scorpion can be terrifying to new Arizona residents who’ve only seen photos, it’s important to know that any homeowner can take these simple actions to protect their home.
Scorpion Repel uses a patented, one-time application, pesticide-free, scorpion repellent that will permanently seal scorpions out of your home.
David Gilmer is the chief operating officer for Scorpion Repel.