You reached the end of the Little League season.


But before you start setting up for the next activity for your little leaguer, why not do something to celebrate the season that just passed?

Being part of a baseball or softball team teaches kids important life lessons. It’s so much more than just about winning.

So get them geared up for the next season with some of these ideas:

1. Capture Team’s Greatest Moments

A traditional approach here would be to take a team picture and then give each player a copy. But is that really going to be memorable to your little leaguer?

Go the extra step and start recording great moments in the team’s season. These don’t have to be amazing pitches or home runs, necessarily. You could just as easily record those moments where they demonstrated what it was to be a team.

And of course, be sure to put the funny stuff in there too.

This one takes some planning and a little tech savviness to put it all together. But it’s going to pack more of a punch than just a team photo.

2. Team Party

Bring the team back together, but this time for some good-hearted play.

Have every family pitch in to rent a facility that would feature a game between the parents and the little leaguers.

Be sure the coaches are there too. Some of the team members could even try on the role of coach during the game.

And by all means, don’t forget the hamburgers and ice cream sundaes.

3. Have An Awards Ceremony

It doesn’t matter if your little leaguer was on the team with the most wins. Maybe it was the lowest-scoring team of all time.

Rather than focusing on conventional success, award your little leaguer and other team members with trophies that celebrate the wonderful lessons they learned from being part of a team.

A trophy company can help you determine just the right message.

4. Arrange A Little Leaguer Outing

A great way to inspire the team is to take them to an end-of-the-season baseball or softball game. It doesn’t have to be a Major League team. A local professional team can be just as exciting.

And if there’s a message board or jumbotron at the field, arrange to get your team’s picture up there with a congratulatory message.

They’ll be so geeked.

5. Amazing Goodie Bags

Aside from all of the great life lessons, what could your child physically take away from the Little League experience?

Think about the special moments of the season and find items that will reflect those moments. It could be a framed picture of your child hitting a home run. Or maybe it’s a special ball that you decorated in some way to show how much you care.

Perhaps there are tickets to a professional game, a commemorative shirt or a new bat. The possibilities are endless.

Celebrate the Season

Once again, congratulations on the end of the season for your little leaguer. We hope that whatever it brought, it was a good one.

And for more great information and inspiration, keep checking back with our website.