Anime is a shortened term for animation but mainly used for those made by the Japanese. It has been in existence as early as 1917 but regained an avid cult following when Astro Boy made his first animated appearance in 1963. Since then, a lot of anime series followed suit – Dragonball, Sailor Moon, Cardcaptor Sakura, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Fairy Tail, and Bleach, among others. So it is no wonder that you see cosplayers in their regal garb and costumed glory during anime cons.
An anime convention (or cons for short) is a multi-day gathering of fans or otakus which focus on manga, the animation, and Japanese culture. But people will know it is just that when they see cosplayers of all shapes and sizes walking around to represent their favourite onscreen characters. Should you be attending one soon, you should remember to follow several do’s and don’ts for a more enjoyable time.
Do respect fellow cosplayers.
Cosplayers will usually go to an event to dress up as their favorite anime characters. They are there for themselves and not for anyone else. If other people appreciate his or her costume, then that would be a bonus. Most cosplayers are happy to oblige, but remember that you should always treat them with respect. It is still best to ask for permission first, especially when it comes to pictures or a touch of their costume. Verbal attacks and sexual harassment is not allowed; else you will be thrown out without hesitation.
Do not forget to eat.
There are three reasons why you will forget to eat at an event. One, you enjoy the vibe and the scenery too much that you do not notice time slipping by. Two, you spend all your money on the merchandise. Or three, you did not consider your food needs while budgeting. Regardless of the reason, do not die of hunger.
Do be patient for your turn.
Photo opportunities are the main highlight of anime cons. But there is most probably a queue for your favourite character. Follow convention rules and line up to get your turn. Now, if you see them going on a break, do not follow them. It is challenging to be in character all the time in the number of hours they have been giving in to people’s requests. So give them the space and time that they need to rest, even for just a bit.
Do not use excessive makeup if you are cosplaying.
If you are a cosplayer, makeup is probably an essential part of your costume. But it is possible to be a bit uncomfortable and feel hot in your suit. Sweat and moisture may ruin your facial makeup. While you may want to be extremely accurate in your portrayal, there are times when you may need to compromise a little. Try to lessen your makeup so that it does not run all across your face as grime and dirt.
Do consider the people around you.
These conventions are not just for adults, but also kids. If you come in as a conservative anime character, be mindful of your language. Do not scar the kids by cussing your heart out while dressed as Tohru Honda (Fruits Basket) or RyuuichiKasima (School Babysitters.) Again, respect everyone around you – man, woman, or child.
Do not be discouraged if you are a berated cosplayer.
Some people will always have something negative to say about others, and both new and veteran cosplayers hear a lot in an anime convention. Should someone say something wrong about you or your outfits, shrug the comment off, and leave it as is.
Whether you are a passive observer or an excited cosplayer in an anime convention, you should always do what you love. Enjoy the assembly with your inner otaku.