The current situation has changed how we interact and socialize with people. Gatherings and parties are prohibited because of the pandemic. However, when this situation is all over, parties will soon be allowed again.
A lot of parties become more fun when you Play Free Poker Card Game Online or from drinking games. Playing drinking games was not always about alcohol but the fun experience while playing. Below is a round-up of drinking games to play after quarantine.
Beer Pong
Beer pong will always be a classic drinking game. Almost every college kid has experienced playing this game. There have been many variations on how to play the game. However, the most basic rule in playing beer pong is to toss the ping-pong ball to the opponent’s cup, and the opponent will drink the contents of that cup.
You will need a ping-pong table. If not available, then any long table will do. Prepare ping-pong balls and plastic cups. Set up 10 cups for each side, forming a triangle. After, fill the cups with beer. Ensure you have water beside the table to clean up the ball after touching the beer inside the cup.
You can play beer pong with one or two players per team. You can either directly throw the ball to the cup or bounce the ball once on the table. When the ball lands inside the cup, then the opposing team has to drink the beer inside that cup. The team who clears the cups of the opposing side wins the game.
Most Likely
This game is easy to play. Everyone should sit in a circle. You and your friends can take turns on who will ask “who is most likely to”. An example would be, “Who is most likely to be arrested for jaywalking?”
On the count of three, the players will point their fingers on the person who is most likely to do such a thing. The person pointed has to take a drink for every person that pointed at him or her. For example, if 3 people pointed at you, then you should drink 3 shots or 3 glasses.
Never Have I Ever
This game is the best game to get to know your friends more. You can take turns with your friends to ask a question in the form of “Never have I ever”. For example, you can say, “Never have I ever killed a mosquito”. Anyone who has done such a thing must drink. You can also look for never have i ever questions online if you run out of ideas.
This game aims to make your friends admit to any embarrassing thing that they might have done in the past. It will help you and your friends bond and be closer by knowing each other more.
Drunk Jenga
Drunk Jenga is a classic game that is modified to make drinking more fun among friends. You will need Jenga blocks and a marker. Write different rules and punishments on each Jenga block. You can write “bottoms up”, “take two drinks”, or “truth or dare.”
Play Jenga normally. A player must follow what was written on the block whenever a player pulls out a block that has a rule or punishment. If the tower collapses, then the person who caused the tower to collapse must finish the drink.
Straight Face
It is hard to keep a straight face whenever you’re drinking, especially if you are getting tipsy or drunk already. Ask your friends to write funny words or sentences on pieces of paper. Each player must pick a piece of paper, read the writings on it, and must keep a straight face. The player that giggles or laughs has to drink.
King’s Cup
This drinking game is a classic. Set up an empty cup in the middle of the table. Spread a deck of cards around the cup, with the jokers removed. Each card has a corresponding rule in drinking.
Ace – all players must drink until the player who holds the card stops drinking. The player who holds the card can choose whether to finish the drink or to take only a few sips
2 – the player who holds this card can tell any other player to drink
3 – the player who holds this card must drink
4 – female players must drink
5 – male players must drink
6 – everyone must touch the floor. The last player to touch the floor must drink
7 – all players must point towards the sky. The last player to point must drink
8 – the player who holds this card must choose another player who has to drink with him or her whenever he drinks. Such a rule lasts until another person holds another “eight” card.
9 – the player who holds the card must say a word. The remaining players must say a word that rhymes with what the holder said. The first one who fails to say a word must drink.
10 – the player who holds this card must say something they have never done. The players who have done what the holder has never done must drink.
Jack – the player who holds this card must make a rule and everyone must follow such rule
Queen – this card is a wildcard. The players can make a special rule for the Queen
King – when a player draws this card, he or she must pour half of their drink to the cup. When the final King card is drawn, the holder must drink the entire cup.
Drinking with your friends is about getting drunk on alcohol and about making memories and bonding with them. Playing drinking games will help you and your friends get to know each other more and bond more. Make sure to prepare the games mentioned after the quarantine is over.