You don’t have to go to Disneyland or even within your imagination to experience all that is Star Wars this May 4th. In fact, you may discover that the Force is strong in the Valley. And if these aren’t the droids — ahem, ideas — you’re looking for to celebrate this momentous day, move along, for I fear you may be headed for the dark side. True Jedis will grab their lightsabers and head to the closest experience below. From blue milkshakes to Dago-Bahn Mi Pizza and plenty off-world explorations, there’s no reason to Boba Frett about a thing — simply Ewok your way to one of these destinations — and hurry, before I squeeze any more Star Wars puns into this paragraph — help me reader, you’re my only hope! “Now go my son…” and “Do or do not, there is no try.”
Mesa’s Mos Eisley AKA Myke’s Pizza
Owner Myke Olsen and team are such ride-or-die fans of the Star Wars franchise that they’ve put together a May 4th foodie lineup the likes of which the wretched hive of scum and villainy of Mos Eisley would surely appreciate. Headlining the menu this year: the Dago-Bahn Mi Pizza ($18). Taking cues from Vietnamese banh mi sandwiches, the pie is topped with pork and savory pickled vegetables. More traditional pizza fans can also look forward to the return of the These Aren’t The Droids You’re Looking For pie ($14), tasty four-cheese pizza.

Rebel Poe Dameron-style at Pair Cupworks
Poe Dameron definitely seems like the espresso-imbibing type — gotta stay awake during all those flight missions. You too can embrace the Rebel Alliance or Resistance spirit by ordering up Pair Cupworks’ Chewbaccaccino ($4.25) with chocolate syrup, espresso and milk; a Blue Milk & Espresso ($6) with a touch of butterfly pea flower, cardamom syrup, oat milk and espresso. Or, try an Ahsoko Tonic ($6) with layers of orange-vanilla syrup, carbonated water and espresso, topped with oat milk foam and butterfly pea flower garnish.
Citadel Cider Corps
Calling all stormtroopers, Mandalorians, X-Wing pilots and Rogue squadrons: Cider Corps entreats all corners of the galaxy to partake in their May 4th menu options. Nestled next to Myke’s Pizza and Pair Cupworks, this veteran-owned craft cidery is serving up Mango-lorian Cider Slushies ($7) — Does not come with Baby Yoda/Grogu, sorry.
ZuZu Blue Milkshake
If blue milk is good enough for Luke, Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru then it should be good enough for you too. But as it turns out, ZuZu at Hotel Valley Ho came up with something even better: a blue milkshake. ZuZu’s pastry chef has outdone herself, concocting a May the 4th be with you “Show Stopper Shake.”
This out-of-this-world blue-raspberry milkshake is topped with a chocolate Millennium Falcon and X-wing Starfighter, watermelon and blue raspberry lightsaber sugar sticks, Darth Vader black watermelon panna cotta, sugar cookie, white chocolate milk crumb, whipped cream, R2-D2 blue raspberry panna cotta and galaxy sprinkles. The shake is $20, and $1 of each shake sold will go to Make-A-Wish Arizona. Visit ZuZu daily (excluding holidays) between 11 a.m. and 10 a.m. to try the “Show Stopper Shake.”

Lowell (Obi Won) Observatory
While you may not be able to spot Tatooine or Alderaan from one of the Lowell Observatory telescopes, there are many other celestial bodies to check out. And while you likely won’t glimpse an Imperial Star Destroyer as you set your sights on our very own solar system, the observatory does have powerfully cool telescopes, including the Lawrence Lowell Telescope that discovered Pluto.
Tauntaun Trivia at Thunderbird Lounge
Who infamously delivered the line, “And I thought they smelled bad on the outside?” Find out the answer to this question and other fun queries at Thunderbird Lounge’s May 3rd Star Wars Trivia Night. Hosted by Geeks Who Drink! this evening of Tauntaun-stumping and other galactic-inspired trivia, promises more fun than watching a stormtrooper trying to land a shot.
In addition to plenty of Star Wars trivia, the prize haul would make even a Jawa Yoda-green with envy. Must be 21-plus to attend and space is limited — so hurry — or “your Tauntaun will freeze by morning.” Sign-up at 6 p.m. Trivia at 8 p.m. Prizes include a pair of tickets to Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge; Star Wars Lego Set and other Star-Wars-themed prizes! Tickets:…/star-wars…/11754405…
Laid-Back Lando Calrissian Vibes at The Casual Pint
In a taproom not so far, far away The Casual Pint in Central Phoenix isn’t offering one celebratory Star Wars day, but four (May 1, 12 p.m. – May 4, 10 p.m.). While sipping some of the best craft beers this side of Endor and having delusions of grandeur, the Casual Pint invites purveyors to partake in a plethora of Star Wars activities from enjoying movies and beer collaborations to trivia and more.
Bantha-sized fun at Bricks and Minifigs (Gilbert)
From Jedi masters to young padawans, Lego enthusiasts of every skill level are invited to Gilbert’s May the 4th Star Wars Celebration. From May 4 – 6, the store will be hosting a free “These are the droids you’re looking for” scavenger hunt. Find different hidden droids and win a prize you will!
For an additional cost, builders may craft a Star Wars mini-figure (while supplies last starting on the 4th, limit of three mini-figures per person). On May 4th, from 4 p.m. – 6 p.m. members of the Resistance and First Order can build their own starship. And, throughout the three-day celebration, the store will be running special deals, handing out prizes and will even offer opportunities for “ship decommissioning,” which involves the literal crashing of expired LEGO starships — “the possibility of successfully navigating an asteroid field is approximately 3,720 to 1!” While these activities are specific to the Gilbert Bricks and Minifigs location, I was told other stores throughout the Valley may also be hosting events.
Make a Kessel Run to ComicX
In less than twelve parsecs, you could be on your way to ComicX, the Valley’s fully-immersive and experiential restaurant, bar and store featuring all things pop-culture and comic book. And when it comes to Star Wars, this dining destination doesn’t disappoint. It’s the only Star Wars-themed lounge in the state of Arizona with life-sized figurines of your favorite Star Wars characters amongst grand cinematic displays. And, “May the 4th be with you” fans are sure to appreciate menu items such as the “Hen Solo” chicken sandwich ($14) made delicious with hot and flaky chicken thighs tossed in wing sauce, pickles, buttermilk ranch and served on a brioche bun!
And on this grand Star Wars Day, guests who post a photo on Instagram with their favorite Star Wars character displayed at ComicX and tag @comicxusa will be eligible to win a $50 gift card to the restaurant! Costumes are always encouraged at ComicX — that means you cosplayers!
Know any other May 4th activities going on around town? Or, want to geek out with me about Star Wars? Send me a note at