Ramzy Ladah is a Las Vegas personal injury attorney at Ladah Law Firm.

Speeding is a common habit on roads across the U.S., but in some cities, the odds of encountering a speeding vehicle—and potentially being involved in an accident—are alarmingly high.

When you consider cities like Las Vegas, Portland, and Washington D.C., the data is more than just numbers on a spreadsheet; it’s a stark reminder of the dangers that can come with everyday driving.

Las Vegas: The High-Stakes Capital of Speeding

Las Vegas, known for its dazzling lights and vibrant nightlife, also holds a darker distinction—it tops the list of U.S. cities where you’re most likely to be hit by a speeding vehicle. Despite having an average speed limit of 35 mph, nearly half of all trips in Las Vegas involve overspeeding, with a shocking 49.79% of drivers exceeding the limit. The city’s wide, multi-lane roads, designed for smooth traffic flow, often give drivers a false sense of security. Unfortunately, this can lead them to push the pedal down a little too far, often with disastrous consequences.

A Las Vegas personal injury attorney recently highlighted how, despite Las Vegas’s relatively high speed limits, the frequency of speeding incidents is almost as high as in cities with much lower limits. This discrepancy is largely due to the unique environment of Sin City. The constant influx of tourists, combined with the city’s bustling nightlife, creates a perfect storm where risky driving behaviors thrive. And the results are as grim as you might expect.

A related study revealed that in Las Vegas, one-third of all traffic deaths are attributed to drivers exceeding the speed limits. The city reported 78 fatal collisions in 2024 alone, a 23.8% increase from the previous year. These figures underscore the harsh reality that speeding, while seemingly harmless in the moment, can have devastating consequences.

Portland: Where Even Lower Speed Limits Don’t Slow Drivers Down

Portland, Oregon, known for its laid-back vibe and progressive values, might seem like an unlikely candidate for dangerous driving. However, this city takes the second spot on the list. With an average speed limit of just 20 mph, you’d expect Portland drivers to be more cautious. But the reality is quite the opposite. In fact, Portland has the highest percentage of overspeeding drivers among the three cities, with 55.12% of all trips involving speeding.

Why do drivers in Portland, with its relatively low speed limits, feel compelled to push the limits? Part of the reason could be psychological. When drivers see a low speed limit, they might feel it’s too restrictive, prompting them to drive faster than they should. Others might simply be in a hurry or unaware of how quickly they’re going.

But the consequences in Portland are just as serious as anywhere else. The faster a vehicle is moving, the less time the driver has to react to unexpected situations, and the longer it takes to come to a complete stop. This can lead to more frequent and severe accidents, endangering not only the drivers themselves but also pedestrians and cyclists who share the road.

Washington D.C.: The Nation’s Capital, A Hotspot for Speeding

Coming in third on the list is Washington D.C., where the average speed limit is 20 mph, yet 51.87% of trips involve speeding. The nation’s capital is a bustling hub of activity, with heavy traffic, numerous pedestrians, and an intricate network of roads that can be confusing for both residents and visitors alike.

The pressure to keep up with the flow of traffic or to get to a destination quickly can lead many drivers to exceed the speed limit, often without realizing how dangerous their actions are. A speeding vehicle in a densely populated area has the potential to cause significant harm, and the statistics from D.C. reflect that concern.

The Impact of Speeding: More Than Just Numbers

Speeding isn’t just a minor traffic violation; it’s a serious public safety issue that has real, often tragic, consequences. Higher speeds reduce a driver’s reaction time, increase stopping distances, and dramatically raise the severity of any collisions that do occur.

In response to these alarming trends, cities like Las Vegas have started taking proactive measures. Local authorities are stepping up efforts to curb speeding by installing speed cameras and red-light cameras. These tools are designed to catch speeders in the act, imposing fines that serve as a deterrent. While some drivers might see these measures as a nuisance, they’re essential in making the roads safer for everyone.

Takeaway: Slow Down, Stay Safe

Whether you’re driving through the neon-lit streets of Las Vegas, the quaint neighborhoods of Portland, or the bustling avenues of Washington D.C., the message is the same: slow down. Speed limits are in place for a reason. By respecting them, you’re helping to create safer streets for everyone—drivers, passengers, pedestrians, and cyclists alike.

So next time you’re behind the wheel, take a deep breath, ease off the gas, and remember that arriving safely is more important than arriving quickly.