While most of us aspire to have even and perfectly smooth skin, many have uneven tones. This can appear in many forms, from acne scars and age spots to redness and sun damage, causing patches of blemishes or other types of skin color patches. Uneven skin may be permanent or temporary, and several factors can be the cause of the unevenness, such as age, medication, hormones, and sun exposure.

The good news is that it’s possible to smooth out hyperpigmentation and discoloration in most cases. For those who are looking for ways to improve their skin tone, the following remedies should help.

Remain hydrated

Staying hydrated isn’t just essential in keeping the body healthy; it can also go a long way in improving the tone of your skin. Therefore, it makes sense to ensure that you drink enough water because it’ll hydrate you both on the inside and out. Additionally, the application of a moisturizer can soothe your skin and address any redness or dryness.

Be sure that you moisturize your body and not just the facial area. It’s also recommended to use broad-spectrum products because they will help protect against UVB and UVA rays and keep age spots at bay.

Try laser treatment

These days, laser treatments for skin have become standard due to the technology’s ability to lighten the sun and age spots or scars. For example, yellow lasers can flatten scars, reducing their redness and visibility. However, make sure that you carefully consider all your options and choose reputable specialists before making any financial commitments.

Pick your food carefully

Certain types of food and beverages can potentially trigger uneven and flushed complexions. Some might even influence the development of age spots and wrinkles much faster. Thus, steering clear of them might aid in the preservation of age spots and wrinkles, or even lead to a more even tone for skin. Some of the things to note are the following:

• Avoid alcohol because it can dilate the blood vessels, leading to flushed faces.

• Spicy food can potentially increase redness.

• Try to minimize your consumption of food with a high content of refined sugar.

• Dairy products may lead to skin irritation.

• Greasy and processed foods are unhealthy and can lead to poor skin conditions.

Clinical-strength peels

Clinical-strength peels are generally categorized into three different levels: light, medium, and deep. The way they work is that they penetrate the skin with chemical solutions, causing the peeling and exfoliation to reveal the newer skins. Lighter peels tend to use gentle acids and are able to do it quickly. For medium peels, sedatives and pain relievers may be required.

On the other hand, deep peels typically need a recovery time that may last for two weeks. It’s also not uncommon to have some redness for a couple of months.


For those who want to even out and improve their skin tones, there are many ways to go about it. From home remedies and specific products to treatment options, you can do many things to achieve the intended results. However, keep in mind that you should always consult with a skincare expert or healthcare provider first.