JAMIE LOVES in February…

Being outside!

The average temperature in Scottsdale for the month of February is 74 degrees of perfection. Blue skies above our heads, white fluffy clouds — life is good in Arizona!

Because the weather is just about perfect, and because I made a resolution to health, I like to spend as much time as I can outdoors. I am so excited for the weekends to come so I can do my Saturday ritual. I like to wake up bright and early and head to a mountain for a beautiful hike. Some days I love the challenge of Camelback Mountain, and others days I love the leisure of Quartz Ridge. Either way, after a hike I deserve a nice meal, so it’s off to brunch! Then I am ready for whatever the weekend has in store for me!

I love Camelback Mountain because it is maintained to perfection and everyone you see on the trail is so friendly. I personally like to challenge myself by parking my car at the Echo trail head, which is located right off McDonald, and start up the mountain there.

Once I am at the top, I admire the amazing view and breathe in the fresh, desert air. Instead of going back down the trail I came up, I prefer to hike down Cholla, which ends at East Cholla Way and Invergordon, and I run around back to where my car is parked. Some days this is easier than others, but no matter what it makes for a great challenge.

JAMIE LOVES: Chelsea's KitchenSometimes I like to hike with my girlfriends or daughters, so I love to go on Quartz Ridge, located on 32nd and Lincoln. I love this hike because it’s not too challenging, yet you still get a great workout!

After my morning workout, it is time to treat myself to some great food and coffee at Chelsea’s Kitchen. I love sitting outside on their beautiful patio enjoying the sun while eating the classic French omelet, which includes sautéed spinach, mushrooms and fresh herbs.




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Jamie Herzlinger Interiors

4400 N. Scottsdale Rd., #705
Scottsdale, AZ 85251
(602) 795-3824