In today’s technological advanced age, smartphones have become a necessity instead of a luxury. However, when it comes to kids, it inherently becomes the responsibility of parents to ensure that these tiny users remain on the right path.
Since children get their own devices at a mere age of 11, how they use defines whether technology turns out a boon or a sheer curse. Nonetheless, as a parent, you can get along some trusted methods so that your kids don’t go off the track. This guide aims to list several handy ways that can assist you in keeping up with your kids’ smartphone safety.
Avoid conversations with strangers
Although it’s a bit of usual advice, children need to be informed about the essentiality of having a restricted friend circle. This means they don’t get along anyone just because they receive a random text on a social media platform.
Subsequently, you won’t have to be stressed when your kids realize how and why to avoid anyone reaching out to them unless known in real life. This extends from calls to text messages as the extent of danger remains nearly the same.
Familiarize them with cyberbullying
Despite being a critical menace, cyberbullying is often a blurry term for the kids of today’s generation. This is because they don’t tend to get adequate information about what it entails and the outcomes during such instances.
While explaining cyberbullying, chalk out how one could identify it and what all options they have to fight back. Alongside this, put efforts into instilling trust among your children so that they could readily reach you out if they or someone they know faces cyberbullying.
Filter their online activity
As most of the kids get a full-fledged smartphone, it often becomes arduous to keep these away from malicious websites. This is why you should explain internet safety in a way that they realize which sites are safes and the ones posing a threat.
You can also install several apps customized for kids so that they don’t get to see anything that they ought not to. For instance, YoutTube has a children-specific version called YouTube Kids that will let them enjoy relevant content without making you worry about the safety front.
Keep track of their usage
There are times when kids and even young adolescents fail to inform their parents if any smartphone generated hurdle heads their way. This includes someone threatening them online or trying any unethical or blackmailing measures. Therefore, it becomes the innate duty of parents to keep a close eye on their smartphone activity without obliterating their personal space.
For this, an application like can be a go-to option when you want to confirm whether your kid might be in trouble while keeping you uninformed. However, be mindful that you shouldn’t be using such spy apps for any unjustified means. Parents should remain watchful for their children’s cell phone safety without entirely hindering their privacy.