Did you know that your skin weighs approximately 15% of your total weight? This waterproof, insulating shield guards the body against damaging sunlight, excludes bacteria, etc. Dry skin oil is essential in improving these properties.

As the last defender, skin faces many opponents, including dry skin. Whether you live on freezing ice like Greenland or baking deserts like Sahara, dry skin is an invertible opponent. Cold winter and the hot summer air are accompanied by low humidity, which results in scaly skin. Scaly skin will lower your self-esteem and become a lifetime liability unless you look for proper dry skin oil.

 The first step of combating dry skin is using dry skin oil. The oil will rehydrate skin cells and seal the inner moisture from escaping. Grease and watery oil mixtures are the main types of moisturizers. Although they have different properties, the concept is the same. They contain humectants, petrolatum, and emollients.


 Humectants attract and retain moisture via absorption; therefore, it is a hygroscopic substance used to keep things moist. Humectants are used in cosmetics to improve and maintain moisture on skin and hair. Products like lotions, lip treatments, after-sun lotions, etc. appreciate the use of humectants. 

The environment attracts water to the upper layer of the skin. This process causes areas around the skin on which moisturizer is applied to have greater humidity than the surrounding area. Glycerin a humectant that is mostly used due to its unmatched results in curing dry skin. Others like nanolipidgels have antifungal properties other than retaining moisture—this a double-edged sword in fighting dry skin.  


These are skin-smoothing emollients that are derived from crude oil. This is one of the best cosmetics to use in curing dry skin. Since its derived from natural oil, there are risks associated with its usage, thanks to technology petrolatum, which is refined to fight dry skin. Therefore there is no risk of your delicate skin being exposed to harmful chemicals.


Emollients help to reduce scaling, itching of dry skin. As a vehicle of active medical ingredients, these products soften, ease inflammation, etc. They come in a set of different products such as lotion, creams, ointments, etc. A combination of different ingredients will influence the effectiveness of an emollient in dry skin oil. Humectant provides the adhesive property between skin and water. Glycerin is an example of humectant. This helps water to remain on the skin surface.

What you eat will affect the health of your skin. Foods that are rich in water will always keep you rehydrated every time. This will mitigate the effects of a low humidity environment on your skin. Humidifying your house during extreme summer and harsh winter months will keep greasy creams away. Keeping indoors and avoiding long hours of sunbathing help you fight dry skin. Natural products such as aloe, tea tree oil, etc. will help reduce costs and other risks associated with scientifically produced products. Remember, the remedy is in your hands, dry skin oil.