Friends of the Verde River (Friends), along with Prescott Creeks, announced the upcoming Wild and Scenic Film Festival, to be held on January 11, 2020, at the newly upgraded Phillip England Performing Arts Center in Camp Verde, and January 18, 2020 at the historic Elks Theater in Prescott. A carefully curated selection of films will be screened at both locations on both dates at 3:30 pm and 6:30 pm, with distinct film lineups at both showtimes. Tickets may be purchased for $15 for one showing at either 3:30 or 6:30 pm or $25 for a “double feature” package.

The Wild and Scenic Film Festival inspires environmental protection and connection to nature through film. Friends is thrilled to present a unique selection of films, including an exclusive screening of Seldom Seen Sleight. As a rafting outfitter in the 1950’s, Ken Sleight built his life around the Colorado River’s Glen Canyon. He became one of the Glen’s most passionate advocates when it disappeared beneath the waters of Lake Powell in 1963. Today, at 88 years old, Ken remains dedicated to the fight to see his beloved canyons returned to their former glory. This beautiful film shows archival views of Glen Canyon being filled in real time, with Sleight and other boaters staying in the canyon as long as they could.

Other films that will be screened include A New View of the Moon, Forest on Fire, March of the Newts, Too Precious to Mine, and Seeds of Hope, among others. Topics cover a broad range of themes, including environmental activism, wildlife conservation, landscape stewardship, and strategies for drawing people into closer connection with the natural world.

You can join Friends of the Verde River for this thought-provoking, engaging event. This is a great opportunity to connect with others and learn about current environmental topics and areas in need of action.

For more information, visit Friends of the Verde River’s website, or contact Laura Jones at or (928)-451-6860.