In today’s dating landscape, a new trend is emerging among young adults: sober dating. Defined as going on dates without alcohol, dry dating is gaining popularity among millennials and Gen Zers, with many finding it not only enjoyable but also more meaningful. This trend is set to continue well beyond 2023, according to a recent study by Bumble.

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April, recognized as Alcohol Awareness Month, provides an opportunity to shed light on the benefits of sober dating. Beyond being a personal choice, this trend reflects broader shifts in societal attitudes toward alcohol consumption and health-conscious lifestyles.

Economic Influences on Dating Behavior

Economic factors also play a role in shaping how and where people choose to date. The rising living costs and economic uncertainties have led many to seek more affordable and creative dating alternatives. This includes opting for activities that do not revolve around alcohol, such as outdoor adventures, culinary events, or simply meeting at coffee shops.

Arizona’s Scottsdale Recovery Center, a leading authority in addiction treatment, has researched the trend of dry dating amongst its staff. According to data collected, 74% of respondents agree that relationships are more meaningful, and 81% are open to trying dry dating.

This data helps highlight the broader movement towards wellness and mindful living. It also reflects a growing awareness of the impact of alcohol on relationships and the benefits of sobriety in fostering connections.

Sobriety and Gen Z

For Gen Z, sobriety represents more than just a dating choice; it’s a lifestyle that aligns with their values. Saving money, improving physical and mental health, and prioritizing significant experiences over material consumption are high on Gen Z’s list of priorities. Sobriety allows them to stay true to these values while navigating the complexities of modern dating.

With the advent of technology and social media, the pressure to present a curated image of oneself has intensified in recent years. However, sober dating provides an opportunity for individuals to connect on a deeper level, free from the distractions and artificiality often associated with alcohol-fueled encounters. By engaging in meaningful conversations and shared experiences, sober daters can build genuine connections based on mutual interests, values, and compatibility.

Moreover, sober dating fosters an environment of respect and consent, where individuals can fully engage with their partners without the influence of alcohol-induced inhibition. This promotes healthier communication and boundaries, laying the foundation for fulfilling and lasting relationships.

By abstaining from alcohol, individuals have the opportunity to focus on their own well-being and personal development. This may involve exploring new hobbies, pursuing passions, or investing time in self-care practices that nurture their physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

In essence, this trend represents a paradigm shift in how society approaches romance and relationships. It transcends the superficiality of traditional dating norms, emphasizing authenticity, connection, and mutual respect. As more people embrace this trend, it has the potential to redefine the dating landscape and foster a culture of mindfulness, empathy, and genuine human connection.

Author: Andrea Dermott is Director of Business Development at Scottsdale Recovery Center.