Stelari, and eco-friendly yoga wear line, uses the Arizona desert and vintage tarot cards as inspiration for its first collection, “Tarot of the Bohemians.”
Owner Kimberly Roach’s line of free flow tanks use Arizona spiritual center of Sedona for the background of a shirt titled “The Sun.”
“For some people it may just be a beautiful design, but each of our shirts has an intention,” Roach said. “The 9 of Wands” tank is about strength and “The Moon” represents our own conscious.”
The tanks are made up of 94 percent recycled content and priced at $48. Roach said it’s great when you can fuse the fashion industry and taking care of our landscape in one project.
Stelari also sells yoga mat towels for the same price as the tanks and kimonos ranging from $58 to $88.

“A lot of my inspiration comes after a yoga practice. Even though I’m crazy busy, I make time for it because it keeps me balanced and is part of keeping the integrity in what I’m doing,” Roach said.
The choice of one’s clothing can be a complimentary element for inspiration and reflection in yoga, an already spiritual practice.
The Stelari girl doesn’t have to be a yogi, Roach said. This line can be worn by a dancer and its softness and style makes it incorporable in everyday wear.
Active wear today has leaned toward bright neon colors, but Stelari wants to keep the neutrals and pastels in this line in its future designs, Roach said. “It’s a little more fashion-forward.”
On stelari.com, a blog also offers customers healthy recipes and even guest personal stories. “This is a lifestyle brand,” Roach said.
“Too much effort, we burn out. Too much ease, we never reach our potential. When we connect deeply to the core of our being, we begin to move with the flow of life,” Roach said on the Stelari site.