With most people switching to work and attend classes remotely due to the pandemic and lockdowns, the ‘new normal’ of constant Zoom calls is tedious to say the least. Waking up and sitting in front of the screens to watch other similarly bored people talk dry words has made our lives duller. Luckily, there is a way to bring back some fun, and that is by changing your Zoom background to something weird.

Zoom’s virtual background has this fantastic feature that lets you display a picture or video behind your floating head instead of your actual real background. This feature has plenty of benefits: It makes our video calls more interesting, and prevents anyone from having a glimpse of the mess we call our home.

Now that we know you can change your background let us answer the next pertinent question: What should you choose as the background? Of course, you cannot use another dull image to replace your actual background. The virtual background you use should be fun and should make your coworkers or students laugh. If you find it tough to find a funny zoom background, worry no more as we walk you through some exciting backgrounds. You can try these “funny memes” as Zoom background and pour life and humor in the otherwise dry zoom meetings.

1. The guy looking over his girlfriend’s shoulder…at you

Arguably the most famous meme on the internet, this photo of a guy looking over his disgusted girlfriend’s shoulder at another girl is widespread across the globe. How about using the popularity of this image to make your zoom calls funnier?

You can use this meme in such a way that it appears that the guy is looking at you over his girlfriend’s shoulder.

2. The Zoomwives Of Quarantine

The second season of ‘Two of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills’ achieved legendary status for the infamous dinner table squabble between Taylor Armstrong and Camille Grammer. Today, it has become a popular meme thanks to the terrific expressions the cat and the ladies have.

If these lovely ladies of reality TV are your thing, then bring them to work with you courtesy of this Real Housewives of Beverly Hills zoom background. The background will leave all fellow Real Housewives fans into splits and bring about lively conversations about everyone’s favorite RH ladies.

3. The Confused Woman Meme

If you want to put up a meme that is relatable to how we all reacted to the chaos and events that unfolded in 2020 as your zoom background, then nothing beats the ‘confused woman’ meme. The expression of this woman after seeing the complicated mathematical equations and shapes is sure to make people laugh and will make your zoom calls livelier.

4. Drake No Meme

The Drake No/yes is a popular meme used on the internet to compare many things, and it is high time you bring Drake in your zoom calls to make them funny. The good thing about this meme as Zoom background is that most people have seen this meme before and know a bit of context, so you are saved from the job of explaining it to people who are unaware of it.

5. “This is fine”

The next on the list is a meme that also teaches how to deal when things are falling apart around us. This popular meme of a dog sipping coffee nonchalantly as flames engulf the room is a fantastic Zoom background as it brings laughter and some pragmatism.

We have shared some of the funniest memes available on the internet. But the world of memes is infinite. Chances of you coming across a fresh, funny, and highly sharable meme are always there. So keep looking up.