The ease of freeze: CoolSculpting is a non-surgical option to transform your body and get rid of stubborn fat.
If you are having a difficult time losing those love handles, don’t sweat it. Chill out.
“CoolSculpting is as a revolutionary new technology based on decades old knowledge that uses cold temperatures to ‘freeze’ fat cells,” says Dr. Michael Carlton of Phoenix CoolBody, which has two Valley locations. “After a single treatment you can see a remarkable 20-25 percent reduction in fat in the treated area. Results are long lasting and no surgery is required.”
According to Dr. Daniel Shapiro of Shapiro Aesthetic Plastic Surgery in Paradise Valley, here is how CoolSculpting works: An applicator is placed on the fat bulge and performs a controlled cooling that is used to target and crystallize fat cells that seem to be resistant to diet and exercise. Crystallized fat cells gradually die off, and over the course of a few months, are naturally eliminated from your body. During the same period, remaining fat cells condense, which reduces the fat layer.
“When fat cells are frozen, this turns on the natural cell death process leading to their permanent removal,” Carlton says. “CoolSculpting can give you liposuction like results without the use of surgery, IVs or extended downtime.”
CoolSculpting is relatively inexpensive when compared with formal surgical liposuction, which often includes costs for operating room facility and anesthesia, Shapiro says. CoolSculpting is priced according to size of the areas treated and number of applications necessary to meet patient expectations, with pricing starting at approximately $1,200 for bilateral smaller areas and $1,600 for larger areas.
“During treatment you can read, work on your laptop, watch TV, or simply relax,” Shapiro says. “Most patients need two to three treatments.”
Carlton says people who cab benefit the most from CoolSculpting are those who are at or within 20-25 percent of their ideal body weight, exercise regularly and eat a well-balanced, portion-controlled diet.
“The ideal candidate is someone who has exercise-resistant ‘fat bulges,’” says Dr. Martin Blume, founder of The Blume Skin Centre. “These are areas most notably in the flanks — those love handles — and abdomen, but are also found in inner thighs and upper back.”
After a single CoolSculpting procedure, doctors say most clients see fat reduction of 20-25 percent in the treated area. Carlton says CoolSculpting Stacked patients can see a 35-80 percent reduction of fat over a 10-12 month period, and CoolSculpting Squared can give you quicker results when you have a deadline to meet, such as a wedding, vacation, reunion or office party.
“I have seen numerous men and women over the course of two to three months delighted with the reduction of their back rolls, spare tires, muffin tops, and stubborn saddle bags without having to undergo surgery and the recovery period that follows,” Shapiro says. “(CoolSculpting) patients 3feel more attractive both in and out of clothes.”
Hottest cool procedures
Dr. Michael Carlton: “The fastest growing aesthetic procedure in the world is reduction of male boobs. Phoenix CoolBody uses Venus Freeze with CoolSculpting, CoolSculpting Stacked and CoolSculpting Squared to shrink those man boobs and give you back the chest you want. We also combine Venus Freeze with CoolSculpting to tighten the skin, reduce cellulite, shrink stretch marks and rid you of wrinkles on the face and body.”
Dr. Daniel Shapiro: “Cellulaze is an extremely popular, FDA-cleared, minimally-invasive laser procedure that is a long-lasting treatment for cellulite. It is performed by placing a minute laser probe beneath the skin of the buttocks, thighs, or abdomen and releases cellulite dimpling, reduces cellulite bulges and tightens overlying skin. Treatments are performed in the office with smoother, firmer skin evident within 2-3 months.”
For more information about CoolSculpting, visit:
Shapiro Plastic Surgery
(480) 451-1700
Phoenix Cool Body
The Blume Skin Centre
(480) 699-7999