Forget the term “fast food” since that’s quickly becoming a thing of the past for many these days.
As more people are searching for simple ways to improve their daily diets, they are grasping onto a new term: “super foods.”
Super foods – those rich in nutrients and low in calories – can promote strong bones, improve immune systems and even prevent chronic diseases. Think of foods like flax, quinoa, goji berries, black beans, kale and chia seeds. Incorporating these simple super foods into your diet can go a long way.
You can learn so much more about these life-changing foods during a free health seminar hosted by Cara Osgood, Registered Dietitian for Tempe St. Luke’s Medical Center and St. Luke’s Medical Center on Wednesday, June 24 at noon at the Tempe Public Library (3500 S. Rural Rd., Tempe).
Come learn about the lasting health benefits super foods can provide you and enjoy a free lunch.
RSVP’s are encouraged by calling 1-877-351-WELL (9355).