Communicate:If co-workers are causing you stress, ask yourself — why? Perhaps the two of you just aren’t communicating. Put yourself in their shoes — listen to their needs and see if you can accommodate them. If you can, a source of conflict is removed and so is the stress associated with it. If you can better communicate your needs, others are more likely to agree with you.
Bright Side:When things turn negative, you may follow with a negative pattern of thinking. It’s easy to say that you hate your job, but are you doing anything to improve the situation? If you try to have a positive attitude, it’ll be easier to overcome problems at work. It’s quite possible that everything at work is not as bad as it feels when you are angry. If you try to focus on the things that are going right, you will be less stressed and will increase your job satisfaction.
Take Care:When the work load is unbearable and you find yourself working through lunch or overtime, stop and take breaks. Enjoy something that isn’t work related. Try not to take work home. Exercise and eat right. A healthy body translates to a healthy mind.
Everyone’s Human:Everyone makes mistakes. Your team can still produce quality work even if you make a few mistakes. Remember, the work place will still function even if you aren’t there. Remain flexible.
Other’s Shoes:If you put yourself in other people’s shoes you will be able to better understand where they are coming from. If you understand their expectations you can better manage a project and your stress.