Nearly 75% of women will have to deal with a candida infection at some point in their lives. 

But what is a candida infection?

Commonly referred to a yeast infection, it’s a consequence of an overgrowth of yeast in the body – but especially within your gut. You may get candida infections anywhere, but most often, they’re found in the mouth (oral thrush) and in the vagina. 

So, what are the best ways to end these pesky infections – and to ensure that they don’t turn into something more serious? 

Read on to find out the top tips regarding effectively treating candida.

1. Cut Out Sugar

The first step in treating candida infections is to cut out sugar from your diet. 

Dr. Todd Watts from Microbe Formulas explains that when it comes to sugar consumption, Americans are number one in the world. That’s because the average American eats over 126 grams a day. Sugar feeds parasite and candida infections. 

Going without it for a few weeks will be a transition, but you’ll curb candida infections and see countless other health benefits, too.

2. Add More Probiotics to Your Diet

Another effective method for candida infection treatment is to add more probiotics to your diet. 

Probiotics help to restore the balance of healthy and unhealthy bacteria in your gut, which makes it much easier to reduce candida production back down to normal levels. 

Popular (and delicious!) probiotic foods include pickles, kimchi, yogurt, kefir, tempeh, and miso. 

3. Cut Back on Antibiotic Use

There’s a reason why doctors today are so cautious about over-prescribing antibiotics: because they actually decrease the number of healthy bacteria produced in the gut, creating candida’s dream habitat for rapid growth. 

If possible, talk to your doctor about other courses of treatment that don’t involve antibiotics. 

4. Don’t Count on Creams

Many women rely on anti-fungal creams and over-the-counter treatments when displaying the symptoms of candida infection. 

However, while these treatments are effective for some kinds of candida, they don’t work for others.

Since there are about 20 different kinds of candida, there’s a good chance that these popular creams will have little to no ability to cure your candida infection. 

5. Ensure That It’s Really a Yeast Infection

Unfortunately, most women who believe they have a yeast infection actually have something quite different. 

Instead, you may have vaginal dryness, inflammation, or even an STD. 

Especially if your yeast infection doesn’t go away after you’ve tried the treatment options here, it’s time to make an appointment with your doctor so they can figure out what’s really going on.

Treating Candida Infections Effectively Is Key

We hope this post has helped you to better understand the importance of treating candida infections in the right way. 

Look to your diet, high antibiotic use, and a medical professional to stop yeast infections from coming back in the future. 

On the hunt for more health and wellness advice? Our blog is always here to give you the straight talk, so keep checking back in with us for more tips on how to stay healthy this year and beyond.