Preserving your mental health is important at any age, but it is especially important for college students who are trying to transition into adulthood. 

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Jack Barron is excitedly getting ready to start his junior year of college, but much like many of his peers, his journey has not been without challenges. Early on he started noticing depression creeping into his life, so he took the normal first steps: talk therapy, medications. 

Nothing seemed to work.  

Then, Barron found out about ketamine for treatment-resistant depression. He gave it a try and has been pleased with the results. 

“It has worked for me,” he says. “I’m honestly feeling pretty much healed.” 

Rudy Montijo, Chief Operating Officer and a therapist at Daytryp Health — a ketamine treatment center — explains ketamine-assisted therapy can be good for both college students struggling with treatment-resistant mental illnesses or just everyday stressors. 

“A lot of people get what I call an unexpected outcome,” he says. “A college student will come in here thinking they’re good, then after their session they realize, they did need to work on something.” 

Barron went into his treatments knowing he had things to work out, but he still unearthed discoveries within himself he had no idea were there.  

“It’s almost like a truth serum,” he says, “because it makes you open up a bit more than you typically would if you were just going to talk to somebody.” 

With psychedelic-assisted treatments being one option, Montijo shared a few tips on how college students can keep their mental health in a good place just ahead of the new school year. 

1. Start with the basics 

Nothing will ever beat out exercise, a balanced diet and getting plenty of rest. Montijo says these traditional ways of dealing with daily stressors will always be on his list. Adding on he mentions getting outside and having a good support network of friends. 

2. Have someone outside your circle to talk to 

Friends are great and so is family, but sometimes it helps to have someone to talk to who can offer a fresh perspective on a situation. Montijo sees a therapist occasionally to keep up on his mental health. 

3. Consider psychedelic therapies when needed 

If you find there is something deeper in your life you want to work on, Montijo says you could try ketamine or other psychedelic treatment.